Msy 12, 194s
Dr. Paul L. Arrington
Department of Zoology
lowa State College
Ames, Iowa
Dear Paull
I held off writtng regarding your letter of May 7
beeause we were in the process of getting out our
spring news letter. The news letter should reach
you in a few &dfys, and I enclose a reprint of Green
lwgoons and the Song of the Gavilan. We have no
extra copi6 of Wilderness as a Form of Land-Use.
Aldo'e essays are completed and the book will be
puished br the Oxford Press in the fall of 1949.
Charlie Sohwarts is doing the illustratic;  I
think these essays are nothing short of t E3-cfi,
and I an sure you will too, when you seen in
Best regards,
Sincerely yous,
MBAoC pIa                    Robert A. McCabe
Ins trctor