the speakeA. Aile I do not know of any publUe asperamt    ba  414 tunrkey
mn~sageomt by entrol of ourroudag, the eatrlled       at eneastmal bunbin
of overy oAghter. the lag seals plUntloge, ad the eeant of eah wall
kneon astee as bebatsnaues pract nd on seoe of souteasters premerves,
enattate tenament of he highaet order, ead the anta rellaw      of this
spittomt speass tn its etruggle for estane. Tb ied earfey sen to pme
aO eRSepti  to the nooeSaUy for SaIetIte ifUe history eteIe as a guide
to preetlesa mansgEanmt theag    ndeh studess would be hlily desrale. Dee to
Mts large a1se set outstadIng Interest to the woeeaa ever ts tole range,
ta     s are sepaWttely wel1 kAlR. Large sOale PUL    maamt algt Well
be added to petes auangemmt In te Oan of the Vild tArkey.
in additni te the spoies ati.oned ant other ftm  uPlsln game btrds of
the seatteent are In nee" of sotntif ts stay and xpertmts In mmageneat, and
It is the optaln ot the speaker that WAs& eeml attempts on the part of
ster publis am.s aet pvate Iattiesse to seresse *aid W       birds by
suprowma of  sue&igp a* be expotad to yield by davysends Ia
reoreaas   nA enjoyamt. Owur exportmats In assaemt are eIa         aoo    us
they ser so dmastatios to gde sad oneoues      otebre. awe ey fal'othhers
em  avroe  the eases o ftlu   nod use the Ulftated projoote    steppiag eteeos
to Saese. A aatm *lab Ji a few enatanM     s   e so 2p     abangt the vap'ttIwo
aeot of a  ftiaet shad Ilad MIt aW to ereste favorable erulMAdge for the
upland bIrde desired for rcreatimn sad tood.
Theah not a part of st a    a et4  I e ot ses. wlthfat a  rt abat
ltouritanic end ag  gttais 1bo are makWi  aktntidiag oentributies to the
fteld at apzMd ge ma        etr. J.St$ep LgM     formte'ly of the U.!jSolgeial
sEavey  sA n m  expertuentlag in te rearing of    he    rgm     birds at
Crlabad, N., publitabd Ja 1927 a boek entitled '"11M Lift et OfNO   ietee*o e
oemservatlwn amd Manwgmeat, the roalt ot a saey made tor the    itate Gme
OamAisiea. Thi work is fall of sound a     estians ter mt          O etweStern