March 10   1931

Mr. Al~o T>-enod
-oom 4o04
Universitv Avenue 'lank BuiA1in!,
madison     icnn
rear "r. TLopoldsf
is a copy of a, aer which has been approvel for
Publication b, botl- the Aepartm-ent aR the Staltion.   "he next Iton is
to find! some publisher willing to aemep't It.
Pro*0-ssor ThirleIfs fmn,7ated one of tbo; --ore totchni'lA jounals'1q
I hadn't thowht it quite up to tbet! standards. Dr. T'iley Is away' for
a couple of wnvi So    ! havenft 7i spinit'n.  T "o'   '    very muob to
have your opinion.
You know the Prose bcl n t'e writInf. If it in to acco'm.
plish any good at all It il1 have to come into the hands )- tlose carry-
Ing on or lirectin  field inveitigatIons.
I rse in the March DTuPont ""-0 -loose-vation n t  t't Thr  Is
constrained( to do some --rrue eyete wonr'.
lill you please return t)- eich    e4   'p  a  it i tV, I"h
one I have other than the origina~l.
I will.  7ail yno1 tVire  0    -      t--       .i
severe scissorin, the additiona necessar to make it comnplete vade
It quite lonwtTy.
Is over,

reffed Grouse Investilations