Raleigh, N. C.
March l8th, 1930
TO: Vajor L. 7. T. aller, Jr.
From: 4. C. Heyward.
I had. a most interestint tri, to Pisgah Niational For-at to confer with
Mr. T. D. rlurleislh, U. S. Bioloist.
Piu"h National   %or t co-orises 150,000 acres, an,! cntiAns the Appalae:ian
Forest orperiment St:-tion, with "r. P. . P.  othin-hamr as Director. Part of this
ererim nt Otntion, one tuan      acres, is set asile anl known as the Bent re< Labo-
rato ry.
"r. Burlei bh wa assigne1. to this laborator-r the first of Januarv, he bein-
the first Biolo1it as-igned to a   . S. 'orest Experiment Station under the recent
not of Conres autn         the  ga81i'nent of a U. S. 7ioloist to each of the Govern-
?ent Ations.
1r. Turlei  states that his investigati'ns are to come rder three separate
heads: let, The relationshi of wild Tifo tn timber growth, harmful and bNnefIcial
soecles. 2nd, Population of furbearing animals that a given area cn sul ort.  3rd,
Introduction of srecie  of wild life originally native to that locality to leter--ine
if the-r can be brought bac'. ,hile the above three lines of investigati-n ar, his
rim ry 'r'ose, hie is 4t the sa e time going to studyz th relationshi of all three
to the problem of conservation and restoration of game birds and animals.
"r. Burleilh seems t- be very greatly interested in the game angle of the
pro)ositI in, and is 7nin, to devote a ve-y large part of his investi .fations to this
qusion. He Is very ,iuch Interestead in tho results of Alio Leooolds game surve,
and I think it would be a mihtr goo  idea to 7ct hi- a copy of Leopols rects, if
this is possible. I suggested to him that perhaps he could be in a psiti.n to throw
a lot of addtinal liht on som-e of the lines that LeopoV has uncovered that still
need a lot of further investiation and. study.
The Puffed Gr-use was originally native to the mountains of North Carolina
and were nresent there in sreat nurbers, bit have at the )resent ti'me decreased to
such a point that the  are rarely seen. This decrease is also true of th 10,0)0
a cres in Pisaah National Forest where there has not been any huntin- for practically
t-enty years. Mr. 'urlih has observed a few Grouse since he has -be, t' ere and is
,oing to -undertake t- ascertain as n'ar as possible what is causin- their disappearance.
He has taken up with the Biologic 1 Survey "he poseibility of their obtainini- some
ad itional stock of these birds for release on the thousand acres in the 'ent Creelk
Laboratory, where he can keep ther' under close observation. He hais in mind that it is
far -or- suitable ti t- to bring back the Puffed Grouse in that territorr than it is
to introduce the rinr-neck phasant. "o is further convi-ced that if the ring-neck
will thrive ant increase anywhere in N. 2. t.-t the territory co'prisin- Pisah N3ation-
al For-at is the "ost likely. That if they won't do there the'y won't ed anywhere in the
state. I suggestef' to him that we -itht be able to -,et him twelve or fifteen nheasants
late this coTin7 sum-er if he would unde tal-e t' study their habits, food suply and
try tol determin-, i-P possible, t-nat is becolin- of them in places where plantin-s have
not been successful. Fe took to the iea ri-1ht away, and statel that he wouV cooperate
in every way nossible to determine the rin'-necl coull be suces full- introduced in
North Carolina, an' if.not, why not.