Madison,  iiconsin
reb. 6, 1930
Memo for Ā£rrington, King, Yes:tter, Grange, Frederio Leopolds
In making up the report on the Game Survey of the North Central
Region I want to bxamine the effect of latitude on the length of the
quail breeding season (i.e. earliest and latest hatobings).
I have a hunch there is not much latitudinal difference, but I
want to find out.
I did not collect any quail pienology daita on Wisconsin, Minn.
esota, Michigan, Iowa, or Ohio. Attached is the phenological table
for Missouri, showing my standard form. Similar tables are in my
Illinois, Indiana, and Mississippi Reports, and of course StoddArd has
complete information for Georgia.
Can you give me any information, even fragments, for your state?
I thought possibly you would have some notes of your own, and could
make inquiry of other observers in the course of your regular travels.
Whatever you can get for me I would appreciate having by April 1.
Incidentally you may want to use this form for the accumulation
of notes on your own species. I have found it very handy.
I will be writing up the North Central Region during the next
few months and may have to fall back on you to fill in other gaps in
my info rmA t i on.
Tour incerely,