1138 Fo AA Moh 7 18 41

From High Cold Peaks
Yo    Wisconsin Branch ... Attn Chronologist ... Re Is Man a Mammal?
1- With the utmost astonishment we note than we have evidently close
a random traverse, & submit evidences herewith: viz sep from Ar
Antiquity Vol 6 #4 April '41 & typed supplement by author.
Some time since our Acting Hierophant seems to have commented on t
probabilities that most or all Homo saps are quite consistent in
certain mammalian characteristics & behaviours & that it might be
sorts fun to graph same broke down to stages of sere, if any, & so
as to fetch forth time-schedules of same, if any & subject to
revision pending further researches in re same.
Furgit howoome but Greenman et al on Georgian Bay last summer
reported to have found evidences of Homo-critter camp-sites on
way-back beaoh-place got mentioned & your Mr Leopold requeste
d&d (data & dope) on same when ifn-as durn if Our Local Agent
didn't remember about same & just lookit as enclosed:
2- Calling attn to two (2) items of mebby special intruzt sl
Chronol6gista & such-like:
a- The Geologist Stanley makes strong medicine said camp-sites
occupied by H-critters in situ "between 10 (ten) & 15,000
yrs back"from now (i e 7-34 1/2 AK, EST, AD 7/18/41, FDR 3rd-term).
... (be the same more or less). Wasn't Hammurabbi about 5K?
b- As per blue-wiggle, pps 311-12 kindly note &&& in re H-c
repeater-pattern, origins of, & utilizations by Archaeologists
In pre-dopIng here to look for "sites".... i e if then H-os
were canoing coastwise, itd, 10-50 X yrs back & lake levels
then 1-200 ft higher than now, & bare-rock mostly but some
sandy bays etc, where would they put-in for terra-stops & what-do
then?   Is same not highly predictable?
3- Awaiting comment without fear or favor & trusting that Pullman
consignment as enclosed for info may be OK &!or otherwise in-line
or notify us accordingly, we remain yvt pal & closing out this
item in our files until furder notice with docks clearing for
next consignments best-best Crystal-ball Polish via "nodes" et al
in due season subject P0N priority ratings &/or AAA rulings as to
burning wheat in straw, tea in Boston Harbor, surplus in th midst
of plenty etc.
IfD &/or A

Acting Zoophant