29 eprintLs from The Aak Vol 79 Jan 1972. .aitiiore Oriole
f ills huInmingbird by bruce S. rfight           .
7 A ticles by Dr. honrad Lorenz - Studies on the behaviuur
of Anatinae.
4 kepJints from 'The Journal of ildlife kvana, ement Vol 84
#4 Oct 19u0. wudcock keproduction in Di'-spi'ayed areas
ot New touniswick by :Iuce S. ii ht
96 1xceipts fnom The Auik Vol 8C #1 Jan 1963 by Liuce S.
tvr'I, i Y
A report to the Minister of lanids ana Mines on The 1.uose of
New Diaunsvick by biuce S. ,right isov 19b82
A reort to the tminster- of Lands ano %.rnes of New IjruIIswaLk
by bruce S. ii ht. 'The Muose of Newt raIunswick 190b.
A report N.k.k-. iRlA .3, 19b0. The  t]Lion 01 ieaver to viouse
ana Wooucock. Di.uce 6. right Dec m860.
A report "moose" by Folke Skuncke, P.AN iorstaut and Sons,
Stockholm 1949
4 Reports TIe bougar in New bruIswick by Bhuce S. ;right.
3 Reports The Status of the Cuugar in the Northcast by iuruce
S. Wr1iht.
I Report The Recovery ol the ranther or Cougar felis concolor
in Northeastern North Amierica. bruce o. iright
I heprint from Journal of mamumaiogy Vol 42 #2 Mvay 1901. The
Latest Specimen of the Eastern Fuma by briuce 3. tight.
.Li opies Effect of Streari vun  on "'ish, *iiLlie  inu kc-
*  creation by brace S. Wripit.
2 copies tie 6tuAy of the ran-iier in the iLast. orace 3. Ivihti
3 Reprints "Further Notes on the 1anther in the Northwest
brace S. Wright. heprinteu from The Can iield Naturalist
Vol 67 Jan-ia 'rch 1903 #l
2 Copies The Gougar by iAce . aright
2 Reprints Irom Journal of Laiunalogy Voi 29 ir3 tiug 10 ,b.
Suuvivai of the Northeastern ianither (Felis cuncolor)in
NeW brunswick by bruce b. ri.h t.