in some way or other.

Hverything taken together, I am distinctly indebted to you for
bringing me into oontact with D0r. Rasek. He is not only a good gams man
and a good biologist, but a very agreeable ,-entleman, and it has been a
great pleasure for me to show him around.
I am returning his paper on rame bird foods. No doubt you under-
stand that this is only a fragment of the antnal work he has done, since
he did not have his comnplete notes with him.
I would like to talk with you at length about all the questions
raised in this letter. IThis reminds me of my previous request thAt you
attend the forthoomnin mettng of the Tuatitute in order thait our differ-
ent oinions rout the vibject matter of the Minnesota fellowship may be
fully and freely di seeed before the Geme Couittee as a whole. Can you
not make it a point to attend this meeting?
If this is not possible for you, I shall takw the earliet oppor-
tunity of calling on you at Minneapolis for a diseuasion.
I have made a smary from memory of some of the points gleaned
from Dr. Hasek and inclose a copy.
Thanking you for your interest in the gme work,
Yours sineerely,
In Charge, Game Durvey