$ f0,000.00
XTE VAllA, i,0).
Jan ar y M, 193
flag,  ningtoa A eatter
thts )atter to preteet an the assumption that 0ou
have bet exprieian  killing weah oh swe es has
pnevsiled eae.
I have been stron4gy t ense that asy thngae ean
be leartefd %v selleot lag Uare neabers Sr killed birta
at this time, fhteh could not be earnt by may meths at
ot at any other periot seewdtirgly I Wred eash ot you
this orastaW orginw you to tke atvantage of this opportune
ity   I wuld have sent this the qhtat*4art exempt that
I to net tnw tore ho is.
I hope yOU have a   nrea r egattetC*e fau at*
vantate of tie oppwtanit$ for getting materal.    It **
t1snegrt thts letter ant my teolea.
At to present    aet. it is possible tort aSlmst any
number of Aead sail by asking sportesen, wardons, and
farers to snt thee in, ffort> a noainal paysat for mad*
Ise saeh atorlal wald doubtless protae an even greator
quar4ty. Such psysats of eutes aoA not be Vtored
withaut o sitna your 1seal wardeas. As far as the institute
Is coneernat howvor, Ien aet not testitate to use your are
Sense amy tow such purposes or fr postage or telegae
ns**asy to get see   eroatioz.
In addton to the earoames of birs whth hars
terved, I sa ipressef by to chanos to Zest tatte
of hawk anAt ols during thS eirgenr*  n*her.    You   a t
mat to get a ooastterable saber ot all *ecies shot sat mat
yoe snastoatien 'he hawke hee are dsprti4 wtely fro
their neweal tabite, at tae te.