
I am leaning more and more to the idea that management of
this Flyway will be mainly a proposition of restoring and maintaining
wintering grounds,rather than breeding grounds.There appears to be little
wrong with the breeding grounds, which are largely untouched by man,
except lack of breeding stock. Incidentally I was told that "By resol-
ution adopted by our Board of Trustees several years ago, we cannot
engage in this"(influencing shooting regulations)" in any way'd Therefore
recommendation for kill restriction is being skated around tactfully in
the review of my report which will come out in the July Quarterly.
I would very much like to have a get-together with Lyle and
Art Hawkins and Bob Smith at the close of the season for a general sessi-
on on waterfowl, and I would suggest Madison as the scene and about
December as the time. Please keep me in mind it this meets favorable
reception with the others as I have farther to come and will need more
Attached is a clipping which I am sure will interest you.
Could not the International Committee take a hand in this?
That is about all my news for now so will close.
With personal regards,sincerely,