March 21. 1938.

Pro". Pal L . 7:-rrngton,
Dlepartrent of Zroooy,
Iowa Stnte tollere of Agriculture,
Ames, Iowa.
Dear Paul:
I will be vnry mutch intere ted in sinC youmr horned owl
paper when it appears. You probably Iow that your papers on predation are
stirring up any amonmt of discussion al over the countr:.   I just gave a talk
at flobart Collere in Gneva, Neow York, last night, an4 althou - in the couirsto of
the tall I ID:rely meontioned the matter of predation, it is the only point on which
there was any diicussion afterrard and the various, members of the faculty who talk
part in the discuision  e  all familiar -ith your late papers dealing wi't this
matter of predation,
As for the parnrh quoted in yoir letter (taken from your
manuscript) it is O.K. an far as I an concerned, It &scribes the situlation as
well as it can be deqribd. Maybe as I continue to i7o through this 7rouse
material I will find a l.ttle more. Nrhap soeing more defin'te on the
relationships of horned owls to rrouse, but at present I have nothing more deflinite
than that quoted in your letter.
I can make no other suge-stions. When I have succeeded in
complotinr the analysis of my ten years of dha, I will send you all that pertaining
to predation, for I would want your opinion before publishing.
Yery sincerely yours,
Ralph T. King, Director