December 7 1932

Mr. Aldo Leopold
905 University Avenue
Madison Wisconsin
Dear Mr. Leopold:
Mr. Cox tells me he saw you in New York but I haven't yet had an
opportunity to talk with him about the meetings or to learn if he lad any
lengthy conversation with you.
I had hoped to write both you and the Institute long before this
and report in detail on the status of the work here and our plans for the
future but I have kept postponing it believing each week would see the com-
pletion of certain arrangements. I am finally convinced that certainty and
any considerable degree of definitenea is too much to hope for, so I will
make my report this month.
This short letter is written primarily to obtain answers to two
questions: Will your Game Managrement text be available for use by January
10th, and is the report of the Matamek Conference in Aupgust of last year
off the press?
I am giving a course in Game Management next quarter and want to
use your book as a text. If it isn't available in printed form will it be
possible to borrow one of the manuscript copies?
I am anxious to see the report of the Matamek Conference if it
is now available but have heard nothing of it since I last saw you.
Details of the work done during the past year and that now being
done will be covered in the report to be mailed you this month so I will
not include them in this letter.
Hoping we will again have the pleasure of a long visit sometime,
I am
Sincerely yours

Instructor - Economic Zoology
