Mr. Outdo aahr
.Ahr Mating CoMpany
Manitowoo, Wisconsin
r Mr. ahri
a  I thAnk you for year gift of uwtina n
:' khix in Alask. to the library of this
'he) loss of Aldo to Amerl"a conservation is as
sovere as the loss to his friends. He was not
only a fine thinker, but also a splendid person.
You any be interested in learning that a book
of Aldo's essays has been accepted for publiation
by Oxford University Press. It will appear, pre-
enmably# in the fall of 1949. The essays remind
one constantly of the many wonderful thingi about
Aldols personality, and they fill one with admira-
Here at the Univeretty we have been deeply depressed
by the lose to the University of %ldo's fine library
which now goes to his son in California. This was
the finest librau7 on ame ma-nemr ent in this
country, and we are now setting out to rebuild a
library for the department from seratch.
Very sincerely yours,
JJHIPp                       Joseph J. Iickey
Assistant professor

Mar 13A- 19