Of course, there is no assurance that he will
receive this appointment; he is quite sure he will accept
if it is offered him. In any case he is going to start his
graduate work here next quarter (the Fellowship begins July 1).
Pe would like very much to know something more of the nature
of the work contemplated, and particularly, something as to
who he will be working under and with. Will he come in contact
with Wight, Dalke and Yeather? Is this Fellowship in any way
related to the Williamston ProJect?
kny information you can send us will be greatly
appreciated. I presume Dr. Hunt has already sent what informa-
tion he thinks necessary. Standt doesn't question the merits of
the Fellowship, he wants this data so he can use the time from
now to July 1, to better prepare himself for the work he will
have to do there if he is appointed.
I hate to bother you with these details but I know
you will be keen about Standt when you know him.
Very truly yours,

Ruffed Grouse Investigation.