Department of Wildlife M1anagement, University of Wisconsin
December 20, 1945
You are one of many students who have inquired about graduate work here.
This news letter is aimed to keep you appraised of the situation.
Inventory              Candidate for:
M.S.          Ph.D.        Undecided       Total
On hand Sept. 1945      1             1              0              2
Enrolled 1st semestbr   3             2              2              7
Here, ready to enroll   3             2              0              5
Former students, will
return              2                            0
_otal                  9             S              2             19
Applied to enroll, 2nd
sem.                5             1              0              6
Applied to enroll, Sept..
'46                 0             1              0.             1
Grads inquiring
indefinite        1                             0             18
Total prospective grads20             5              o   .25
In addition, the following ndergraduates have applied: 4 for second
semestor, 3 for Septomber 1946, 24 for an ispecified date, 31 total
Capacity: -o-,: Faculty.  The normal capacity of the Dopartment, as announced
annually in its prospectus, is fivc gradu.ates at one time. In order to
accomodato the temporary post-war demand in so far as possible, two changes
are being mado.
(1) We are negotiating for tvwo additional instructors.
(2) Arrangements have bnon made with the State Conservation Department to
carry some students as research assistants. These men will
alternate between field work and campus, thus taking their campus
worn in relays.
It is estimated that these changes will double my capacity, but it will
still be impossible for me to carry through to a degree all who have applied.
Qalifications for Wildlife Work
Since part of the present applicants will have to be dropped some time,
and since there is no way to judge qualifications for wildlife work in
advance (except the scholastic standard already imposed by the Graduate
School), I am suggesting the following criteria which may help you judge
for yourself how badly you want to come 1ore, as against other schools,
some of which arc loss crowdod and norhaos loss oxacting.
(a) Research Ability. This is by far the moSt imnortant.    Some men
with high grados do not have it. Some can oxocute research, but
cannot plan it.  If you lack a cloar mental picturo of what this
Dopartment moans by a   hPublishable thesis", (io. the kind of
research reauisito for a dogree), I suggost that you look up the