
tehar* vee tk  In *esene verl, for refweae*, 4at pest them en adhetta bearts.
They Vale the. h4hly and so do the puptis.
our Weekly Listrtuttea sv ex"**de 700 opies A" will eze* 10,000 whom the
paroshtal sobseIs set what they  healt be getting.  *e dliver 2700 eepies to the
hlesse beart of Maeatioa for itstrlmatits te its *Ieatr sa oeeeaary eeeale.
Apparently, some sehols reee   e aly two eptes, and v bave as file Iamearable
req**te tes slividmal to&#here to to plae*4 a or   ainaog list.  Appret~ately
109000 espt** ar se*dd for the Chum      Pblie Sheela sat  e steply senset fraish
that easy, wal   it be possible, it we farashe  the steactIs, for the Beart of
M4atteati to staeograph .aA dittribate the anaber nealt
We MAI ee Copy to 4ah coasty sPeWIate4eat of whole to 11Iet, mean
bare arged the. to repred4 *a" Aistribute thes   fallotao. So far, to ay knevio5e,
enly 111. takakee sat We Neaeagh oattes are deta so, the five teacher-tretatag
tstlitattoas es* those  Alettas to their eteasio seoar*e sat emaw seehole, caL
we have es  ebilge  to refse asy easa  reqaests trea teaekers in verieas eovatte.
Qbvni sly, ws eaanet tarnish spie for every Seohr in 1lla.ie. Set they woalA
ase them, sad profitably.
Oae thing soe. The Chicago seart of duesatioa hs a aeilo, taetl sperating
Its eva Statten M985 (PM). This #ear we were reaesoted to aske a series of votly
broeesto losged to tpolsao the nw earoes of stat In sinese, for the 3r#
sat hth trades. 4* did so, witiag the swripts for a series 11 enlistur Walks'.
I an *as1e taurs, an ol aatmralist era In the 11alois River betteas.   Ieag fes
Sebsler Coey, that is true, frnag the first somester theve breAaste went eut
e   W o wAy Meatay fa  9830 to 9: 05 A. . They eoe  paeted the seo da y over
WW 5 fro*  10 to 108) P.<.. at whisk %tIe they wore aI" broaes*t over Staties
WMWS (560 ke.). This seon se     e r the series will go out ever VMS sad UM
fro 10815 to 10#30 A, ea Meadays saA be repeated over VIE  at 1830 P.H.