Mr. Aldo Leopold -3-

do this as there has not been any systematic collection and examination of specimene
in this state and I believe that to be a very important part of the investigation.
In order to save tine, however, and to insure a wider distribution of the
specimens collected, I asked Mr. Stewart on February 2nd to request the deputy game
wardens to assist in this work by collecting specimens for me accor'v to my di-
rections and at my request. This request he very kindly granted. A copy of his
letter of Februa ry 2nd to ae is onclosed, as is also a copy of the letter from him
to the District Chief Wardens. I am also enclosing a copy of my reply to Vr. Stewart
written Februairy 7th and a copy of the letter I wrote to et ch of the District Chief
Wardens on February 18th.
It seems to me this answers Dr. Green's second contention. I cannot see
that it was necessary for me to avoid all contact with Mr. Stewart except in Dr.
Green's presence or with his consent. Neither can I see that this arrangement be-
tween r. Stewart and myself in any way affects or bears on the proposed cooperation
discussed by us at the luncheon on Jnuary 26th. On February 11th, Dr. Green
mentioned two meetings hl had had with Vr. Stewart since January 236th.
Dr. Green's third contention- - that I arranged for specimens from wardens
to go to me instead of to him as formerly - can best be understood in the light of
certain correspondence and conversations between Dr. Grean and myself. Unfortunately
there is no record of these conversations. As stated above, Dr. Green has long been
aware of the f'ict tiat I am collectin, and examining specimens. I have on numerous
occasions discussed this phase of the work with him and have on each occasion offered
him any specimens or materials from apecimens that he cared to have. I have not made
arr ngements with any one else to make bacterioligical examinations of these specimens
in the hope that Dr. Green would do it. Finally, last November, he told me he would
have made up a collecting kit for my use in preserving crouse tissues for bacterio-
logical examination. I have called at his office twice for this kit but have not
yet received it. In all our conversations relative to this question of specirene he
has repeatedly said he was not interested in any specimens except those dead from
On ebruary 14th, shortly after Mr. Stewart ha d written the game wardens
relative to collecting specimens, I received a grouse and a letter from thief GO-me
Warden Joseph Brickner of Hibbing. One paragraph of Mr. Brickner's letter reads:
"Heretofore I have shipped such specimens to Dr. R. G. Green who wa s alwiays pleased
to receive them." In order to avoid confusion and embarrassment I called Dr. Green
and told him I had received this specimen and read to him the paragrph quoted. His
reply was something to the effect that I shouldn't worry aboutit, it was perfectly
alright, and he again stated that he wasn't interested in such specimens unless there
was some indiention that they had died of disease. I told him during this conversation
that I was writing Mr. Brickner to thank him for the specimen and I wanted to make
clear in my letter that I did not want to interfere in any way with Dr. Green's plans
or to side-track any specimens th: t should go to him. I said I believed this could
be best accomplished by my writing a letter to him (Dr. Green) verifying our conversa-
tion on this matter of collecting .nd I .,ould enclose a copy of this letter with Yr.
Brickner's. Dr. Green there was no necessity at all for a letter to him, that
we were in agreement as to how such specimens should be c-red for, :n that only two
or three game wardens were sending him such specimens anyway.
Nevertholess, I wrote Dr. Green under date of February 18, as per attached
copy, and received from hiT . rather startling reply datec Fobruary 19th, a copy of

Malnrch 131, 1911.