/ Extract free the CaMdia JPid-Jaturalist. Mar 1930. D. 120.

In the April, 1930, issue of The Canadian Field-Naturalist. (11*tFT), Mr. Norman
Criddle presents records of the fluctuations in umbers of grasshoppers and grouse
at Awae, Manitoba. It is vorthy of note that these fluctuations show a striking
relationship to the variations in the spottednessof the an. She grasshoppers,
sharp-tailed grouse and ruffed grouse show maxism points in their curves of aumbers
at or near the minima of saspots (1901,1913,1923); aud antias points near maxma
of smaspots (1905.1917v1925). Mean ourves for the three eleven-year sunspot cycles,
show shriking correlation and seooth variations
Ovaesheoper . . . . at seaspot mixitam,
Sharp-tailed grosse . . at Snaspot minim A next 2 years,
Iffed grouse. ....    at smuspot minima & next 2 years.
GTasshopper . .   . . . one year before susepot maiamn,
Sharptailed grease    . one year after sunspot maximum.
Paffe4 grouse .      . one year after anspot maxim.
It would seen that the lesser organism, the grasshopper, responds
quickly to te sasoot influees, while the grouse lag a little, and ay well
refleet a grasshopper influence, as Oriddle suggests. Rowever-ras has been
demonstrated In the eases of tree-growth, umber of varytng hares, and dates of
arrival of birde-all three, grasshopper, sharp-tailed gronue end rmffed grouse,
do reflect the elven-year sunspot yele* whatever be the meehanims (a problem
in each case). Grasehowoere will probably be again at a maxli   in 1934, at
Awame, and grouse in 19314-6.
At the Dominion Observatory, Ottawa, we have been investigating for
some years the relationship of anspot variations to living things and we
should be happy to renetve from say readers each valuable and faithftlly kept
records as these under discuusian. Such records are espeaially desired In
connection with the investigation of the shaage in phase for different parts
of Canada, of the sanspot relationship to nataral phema.-aph 2. Delary,
Copies to Messrs. Grange & King
(From Aldo Leopold)