Copies to Messrs.

King /

Oet. S. 193U
r W. :. 7iley
University Ytrm
St. T     , innesota
Dar %r. R11sys
Zito t-, to -tYe:1u inor lour, distance telonho11ne
conversaItion in wh-ich you called attention to the provision in
thUlmosi conto-, et~ thtXing is to orive at le-ast 8 >" of
his time to the fellowship. hra his rn       oe  teaching
In my aoinion thea develo-mmet of the Univorcity's
conservat-lon nativities In     1:r  ,non-Amt tan= the 90bInfrinwge-
ment On yhw* s thme  I           . vve     e ropse    teasmhing
otheatle on a trial basic
I of sourse 49i b dist)7ointed, if It abould
waterially slow up nry-ess in his fietld atu,-dies, bat I Wint-
th-ate tt this widll not be the case, and I thinktt yes dm o&
in Char"e* Game survey