c 0 P Y

2001 E. Jarvis st.
Mi vaukee, Wis1si
Feb. 15, 1939
Dear Sir:
I would like to gain some information from you
concerning the field of economic biology.
Mr. 0. J. Gronmme of the Milwaukee museum favored
me with a lengthy interview during which he nointed out
three fields of work I might enter; taxidermy, systematic
ornithology, and economic biology. He went into detail
on the first two, referring to the qualifications needed
andL suggested that I write to you concerning information
on the third point.
My background is a major in biology at Milwaukee
State Teachers College from which I have just graduated.
If possible could you inform me as to the phases of
uork I might qualify for in the field of economic biology?
Sincerely yours,

/s/  Donald Y. McBeath