October 19    1933

Dr. Paul L. Errington
Department of Zoology
Iowa State College
Ames   Iowa
Dear Paul:
Your letter of October 5th came when I was sick in bed. It was
nothing serious but it Lept me there for two weeks. Since coming back
to the office a week ago, I have postponed yritinc; you at Dr. Rtiley's ug-
gestion, because he hoped to have some more definite inform>tion about w at
we could expect after January 1st. However, definite information has not
been received and I do not believe I should delay answering your letter any
longrer. The status of te wor  is unchanved. With your contribution plus
that of Mr. Iichols and what the Unive-sity was able to raise, we see our
way clear to continue until January lst. After that date the status is un-
certain but we hope for the best and I ca' assure you that both Dr. 2i ey
and Dean Coffey are intensely interested and are making every effort to
insure the continuance of the work. Laidlaw is now in school. For this
quarter he is gettin  in 12 hours of course work toward his masteres re-
quirements and is carrying on regular monthly sensuses at Cloquet. We
are trying hard to get the data into shape for publication and will have
some of it read.y within two weeks and most of it ready by the first of the
Relative to the statement by Anderson that the Conservation De-
partment had nae -rovision for continuing the work, so far as I know this
is a mistake on -he part of someone. I have no knowledge of the Conserva-
tion Department's intention to do anything at all rela.tive to our project.
I have seen nor heard from no one in that Department since last July. I
do not inow whether or not you saw Aldous at the meetin in "orthern Iowa
last weeband. I will not get to see him for another day or two as he left
here "onday for the northern part of the state before I had had an oppor-
tunity to talk with hi1.
I wonder if Bennett has an additional copy of the pheasant stonach
analysis he made last winter. Re sent me a copy of the complete report of
this work but I have mispnlaced it and am unable to find it. If he has such
a copy I would very much ap, reciate the loan of it in order that I may hve
another copy -ade.
Do you recall the prom se you made e one time to :ive r a photo-
granh of yourself to add to my collection of famous and infamous wild life
investigators? I woId like very uc to receive such a photograph i- order
that I may get my lantern slides ready for next quarter's work.