Imposing tables of this construction can be furnished with any size surface or equipment desired. The most
desirable are frames with tops 5114x63'4 and 514 x75Y4 inches. If marble was used for top instead of semi-steel, the
sizes would be 48x60 and 48x72 inches. Coffin made of iron. We do not recommend marble tops. Ninety per
cent. of the equipments we design and install include the semi-steel surfaces. With the latter no coffin is
necessary. Nearly four hundred square inches of surface is gained in a size corresponding to a marble top 48x60
inches. No. K 159, shown below, is a popular size. The surface is 51% x 63% inches and in addition to the four
large blank drawers there are forty-four hardwood letter boards 251 x 21% inches, giving 23,850 square inches of
storage surface. Both sides of the frame are alike, two tiers of letter boards on each side, a total of four tiers.
Hot-rolled angle steel runs with square root are used. Letter boards have rabbeted fronts and can be furnished
either zinc or brass-lined.

Keystone All-Iron Imposing Frame No. K IM)

Frame made of standard steel pipe with malleable iron ball fittings. Ends closed with cold-rolled steel.
Sanitary base. Top made of semi-steel 1% inches thick, 51% inches wide, 634 inches long. Rabbet on all four
sides ,-inch. Height 39 inches. Four blank drawers 22Y x 19, x24 inches inside. Two drawers on each side of
frame. Forty-four hardwood letter boards 25tA x 214 inches inside. Hot-rolled angle steel runs full length.
Frame finished in black enamel. No. K 159 is carried in stock and can be shipped promptly. This frame is
especially desirable for both newspaper offices and job printers.
We are prepared to submit promptly, fifty original designs in imposing tables, showing different arrangement
and equipment. Let us know your requirements. Our exclusive line of ad frames covers thirty styles. These
can be submitted to interested persons. In selecting new equipment it will be to your advantage to consult our
engineering department. If you are crowded for space we can show you a way to bring relief without taking on
extra floor space. We take up every department of the printing office, from the counting room to the shipping
department and mailing room. Experience teaches that the composing room is the department usually neglected.
We can bring instant relief, overcoming congested conditions, and correct the faults which makes composition cost
more than it should. Our experts are the originators of modern composing room equipment-designing and build-
ing furniture best fitted for each particular printer. Printers who are interested can communicate with any of
the Keystone houses at Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta or San Francisco.






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