thatican be made are so varied that it is oftentimes possible to
combine 20 or 30 combinations in one machine by simply changing
rachets that are furnished with each machine.
If your wants are clearly stated a machine can be furnished to
meet your requirements.
For numbering checks with stubs any number to a page "Skip-
ping" unit wheels are necessary; these are interchangable with
consecutive unit wheels furnished with each machine and can be
adjusted to machine by any printer. We will send a little pamph-
let telling all about them on the request.
is made entirely of steel and is the smallest type-high numbering
machine made by any manufacturer in the world-for immediate
deliert'. th-tivn-d to meet the demand for a small machine with
figure 1: re e,to-nmh for ordinary commercial uses-and which
could be depended on for ac-
curate work.
Figures on Model No. 115
Figure on Model No. 116
The "Midget" has an attachment for printing any one number,
any number of times-without taking it from the form.
The "No." slide preceding figures can be removed without
taking machine from the form.
When writing for prices for special machines, explain fully
what you are called upon to produce-give combination of num-
bering; size of the full size sheet; the size of each section of sheet
to be numbered; and the exact position where number is to be
printed on each section and whether they are to be used on a
cylinder, platen or rotary press; and give size of bed of press.
When ordering parts for Wetter machines, it is necessary to
give the serial number of the machine, (stamped on end of ma-
chine), for all machines numbered higher than 30,000. For
machines numbered under 30,000, it is necessary to send sample of
the broken part wanted, as it cannot be furnished from a sketch,
or simply stating the serial number of the machine.
Wetter "Midget," Model No. 115, 5 wheel . . . . . . . . . . . $18 00
Wetter "Midget," Model No. 116, 6 wheel . . . . . . . . . . . 2000
A new machine, just one inch wide, particularly adapted for
use on flat bed web presses that are designed for rapidly printing
and numbering tickets, sales slips, coupons and other work that
will not admit of using the regular
form of numbering machine. Can also
be used on the ordinary Gordon press.
In addition they can be operated at a
higher speed than others, are more dura-
able, and have drop ciphers that will not
get low. Old users will appreciate the
value of this detail of construction.

Figures for Model 232  Figures for Model I
389569 35890

Model 232 and 233 can be operated on
the ordinary job press, printing figur-
only, if a "frisket" is used for the pluncr
to print on ; or the same results can be
obtained when working on a cylinder
press by cutting the inking rollers so
the plunger will not be inked. Or a bet-
ter plan is to use a sectional form inking
roller, which we recommend when working any style of number-
ing machine on a cylinder press. We will furnish detail infor-
mation in regard to this feature on request. These models can
worked in rows of 12 or 14 on a 10 x 15 press-for numbering tickets
one inch wide-and if the run is large 2 rows can be used-by

having the machines arranged to skip "2 " so that when the work
is finished the numbers will run consecutively. Or, three rows can
be used if the machines are arranged to skip "3." The same rule
applies to 4 rows or to any number of rows up to ten.
One-inch wide Wetter, 6 wheel, Model 232 . . . . . . . . . . $20 00
One-inch wide Wetter, 5 wheel, Model 233 . . . . . . . . . . 1900

For use with or without type on printing presses. It is the
only typographic numberer that prints nothing but the figures,
without "No.," a period or any other prefix or suffix intended to
act as plungers or to prevent the printed h I from bein- smeared
by the revolving fig-
ures. The pressure of
the platen or cylinder
onthefigures operates
the mechanism which
changes the numbers
and also brings into
action ingenious bear-
ers which raise auto-                              p
matically and hold the
printed sheet off the
figures while they are
changing. These
bearers do not print
on or indent the paper. The Better-Wetter'' is made of the best
material throughout, and all parts are hardened where necessary,
insuring great durability, perfect accuracy and long life.
'Better-Wetter" Plungerless, 5 wheel, Model 325 . . . . . . $2000
Better-Wetter " Plungerless, 6 wheel, Model 326 . . . . . . 23 00
A good machine for
*,,               general job work.  It
is adapted to any press
made to print from type
and perfectly meets the
requirements of any or-
dinary printing estab-
The machine is type-
high and designed to be
locked in the chase with
the form like a small cut,
wholly or partly sur-
nAtoled by type matter, or it can be
Used separately when the number
onlyis to be printed.
1 o    r      Its action is derived from a vertical
N.      1            movement of the prefix-slide "No." re-
FAC SI 5MRSS0   sulting from the impact of the platen of
the press, as an impression is made.
The figures at the printing line are type-high, while the prefix-
slide is normally a trifle above the height of type. Every figured
disc is automatically advanced in consecutive order from 1 to
99,999.  Machines are also furnished that number backward,
without extra charge.
For numbering checks, orders, strip tickets and other jobs with
several forms to a sheet, "skipping" unit wheels are necessary.
These skip automatically any number from 1 to 10 and are inter-
changeable with regular consecutive
wheels. No extra charge for machines
fitted with skipping wheels instead of
consecutive unit wheels. Price of skip
ping wheels, in addition
to consecutive unit
wheels, $2.00 each.       o
This machine iC
operated by a steS
spring of great power
and unusual elasticity
insuring correct nu ni
bering without the ne-
cessity of constantly
watching the sheets.
May be taken
apart in an instant
for cleansing and is as
quickly assembled
The figures are cut 'not ':ast upon steel elels and are prac-
tically indestructible. Only the size and style of figures shown
are carried in stock-others are made to order at an extra charge.
Letters engraved upon steel slides may precede the figures,
instead of the prefix " No." Price of extra letter slides, 25c. each.
Letter wheels to either precede or follow the numeral wheels are
furnished at an extra cost of $2.00 each. Every machine is tested
at the factory up to 15,000 impressions per hour. In ordering parts
be sure to state whether your machine is the old style Model 27 or
the new 27A as the parts are different in the two machines.
Model 27a, 5 wheel . . . . $8 00 I Model 28a, 6 wheel . . . . $10 00
Prices and descriptions of other Roberts Typographic Num-
bering machines will be sent on application.



. JV J