..                                  PRINTERS' WOOD GOODS
No. 1-Double Polhemus Cabinet with wood runs, containing 18 full size California job cases in one tier, and 20 two-third size
n-                                  cases in one tier, two pairs of news cases and two pairs of No. 1 Hamilton patent tilting brackets on top. Galley boards under
in                                 lower cases. Full length galley dump and one' tier of ten sort drawers between the two tiers of cases. Height, 42 4 inches:
Is                                  width, 70 inches; depth, 27 inches; weight, crated for shipment, 700 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75 00
e.                             No. 2-Single Polhemus Cabinet with wood runs, containing 18 full size California job cases in one tier, one pair of news cases and
ib                                  one pair of No. t Hamilton patent tilting brackets on top. Galley board under lower cases. Full length galley dump.
n.                                  Height, 42% inches; width, 35% inches; depth of body of cabinet, 211/ inches; size of top, 28x37' t inches; weight, crated
for shipment, 325 pounds...... ................... 3500
is                                                                                     No. 3-Triple Polhemus Cabinet with wood runs, containing 40
a                                                                                          two-third size California job cases in two tiers, 20 cases in
ie                                                                  each tier, 18 full size California job cases in one tier, three
pairs news cases and three pairs of No. 1 Hamilton patent
tilting brackets on top, with galley boards under lower
cases. Full length galley dump, one tier of sort drawers and
Jr  .-series of galley shelves between the tiers of cases. Height,
42% inches; width, 104 inches; depth, 27 inches; weight,
crated for shipment, 1100 pounds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110  $)
No. 4-Triple Polhemus Cabinet with steel runs, containing 50 two-
thirds size California job cases, 25 cases in each tier, and 25
full size California job cases in the center tier, three pairs
F                                                                                          news cases and three pairs No. 1 Hamilton patent tilting
brackets on top. Galley boards under lower cases. Full
length galley dump, one tier of sort drawers and one series
)n     U                                                                                   of galley shelves. Height, 44% inches; width, 104 inches;
t5                                                                                         depth, 27 inches; weight, crated for shipment, 1175 pounds, 140 00
e                                                               -No. 5-Double Polhemus Cabinet with steel runs, containing 25
full size California job cases in one tier and 25 two-thirds
size California job cases in one tier, two pairs of news cases
and two pairs of No. 1 Hamilton patent tilting brackets on
top. Galley boards under lower cases. Full length galley
dump and one tier of sort drawers between the two tiers of
cases. Height, 443 4 inches; width, 70 inches; depth, 27
SF                                                      NCinches; weight, crated for shipment, 700 pounds . . . . . . 95 (g)
s                                             FNeNo. 6-Double Polhemus Cabinet with steel runs, containing 50
full size California job cases, 25 cases in each of the two tiers,
two pairs news cases and two pairs of No. 1 Hamilton patent
if                                 tilting brackets on top. Galley boards under lower cases. Full length galley dump. Without sort drawers or galley cabinet.
In                                  Height, 44. inches; width, 70 inches; depth, 27 inches; weight, crated for shipment, 700 pounds............. .  . . . . 95 IN)
No. 7-Single Polhemus Cabinet with steel runs, containing 25 full size California job cases in one tier, one pair of news cases and a
is                                  pair of No. 1 Hamilton patent tilting brackets on top. Galley board under lower case. Full length galley dump. Height, 44:i.
inches; width, 35% inches; depth of body of cabinet, 21% inches; size of top, 28x37i4 inches; weight, crated for shipment,
350 pounds  . . . . . . . . . .  4700
is                             No. 8-Double Polhemus Cabinet
id                                  with steel runs, containing 25
in                                  full size California job cases
)y                                 in one tier and 25 two-thirds
size California job cases in
one tier, two pairs of news
cases and two pairs of No. 1
Hamilton patent tilting brack-
ets on top with galley boards
under lower cases. Full
length galley dump and one
tier of galley shelves between
the two tiers of cases.
Height, 44%1 inches; width, 70
inches; depth, 27 inches;
weight, crated for ship-
ment, 700 pounds . . . . . . 9500
No. 9-Double Polhemus Cabinet
with wood runs, containing
18 full size California job
cases in one tier and 20 two-
thirds size California job
cases in one tier, two pairs
of news cases and two pairs
of No. 1 Hamilton patent
tilting brackets on top.
Galley boards under lower
cases. Full length dump and
one tier of galley shelves
between the two tiers of
cases. Height, 42% inches;
width, 70 inches; depth, 27
inches; weight, crated for
shipment, 700 pounds . . . . 75 00
The galley dump on all Polhemus                                    Front View No. 6 Double Polhemus Cabinl
cabinets can befurnished full brass lined.
using No. 21 gauge patent leveled sheet
brass for the bottom and square brass tubing for the surrounding rim and division strips. All screws placed from the under side in order
to make a smooth all-brass top throughout, at the following additional prices to above list:
[it                    Nos. 2 and 7   ... .   . . . . . $13 00  Nos. 1, 5, 6, 8 and 9 . . . . . . . . . .  *24 00  I  Nos. 3 and 4 .  . . . $3500
pt                                          Brass label holders, 1x3 inches, attached to any cabinet, at an addition to the list price of 5 cents per case.