a                                        I.__  Irrr f 0FtF
Italic and California Job Case-IThe     Dearing Job Case-Ih li argest ca:wity  Yankee Job Case-The most popular of
standard two-thirds calse. Price  80t 73  of any twro-thirds job casr.  Prie 80 75  alt two-thirds cases. P'rice ... 80 75
h  ~  '      '"~    I         21    22    23    24      22
15~I 16 17 18192
Al                7    9 1   II  12  13  14/i                                   i
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10                                11  12 w3   14
SaicelessCalif a Job Casee-        Hamilton Lead and Slur  Case, Two-      Brass Leader Case, Two-thirds size-
Boxe  fo  spaes  nd  ~adsare  thirds size-Separate compartments,      Compartments 1 to 25 picas. Half
omitted from this case. Price ... 80 80  by picas for lengths 4 to 25 picas     ems toto9ir cas. Price.      $0 75
inclusive. Price. . ... .. .. ..075

tn,  0   IJ
California Job Case, Three-quarter size.
All three-quarter cases listed are
made in the same form and arrange-
Handy Space and Quad Case-A              ment as the full size of corres-
aost convenient case with sep-       ponding styles. Price . . . . . . . $085
arate compartment for each size
of spaces and quads; also brass
and copper thin spaces. Eight of these cases fit in a full-sized blank case and the
compartments are proportioned to hold a five-pound font of spaces and quads.
Size, 7,/  x710  inches.  Price.............. . . . . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  ... $040

All Right Space and Quad Case-Has compartments for 2
point copper thin spaces, 1 point brass thin spaces, also
compartments for 3, 4, 5 and6 em spaces, em quads, en
quads, 2 and 3 em quads. Case will hold a standard 10-
pound font of spaces and quads of any size. Size, 7!sxl5%
inches,  Weight, 15  ounces.  Price  . . . . . . . . . . . . $075

/ t  ,I   b' I P   nit,
Improved Job Case, Two-thirds size-
An odd size, 21'4x19:1 inches deep.
Fits regular two-thirds case rack.
Takes caps, small caps, lower case
and figures.  Price   . . . . .  . . . $090

01          11/b1",,I,1
Carpenter Quarter Case Us-fUl in taularand other intricate
work. It is intended to set between two lower cases
covering the space usually occupied by a galley board,
the lugs on the back end hold the case from slipping
off at the front. It is a vertical figure case with double
spaces for fives and ciphers-the figures most used-and
compartments for justifying material and special sorts.
Size, 7 x 150 inches. Weight, 17 ounces. Price . .. $075