Women's Spring Outfits
Never before in the his'ory of this store were we able to offer such
stupendous values. We have been preparing for this event for four
months, and we feel confident that it will eclipse all our former efforts
or                  Lovely New
Matchless Fashions                                   White Goods
EVERY new fashion of Paris, every new model                Priced Very Attractively
that the New York modistes create, is imme-      50c Embroidered
diately duplicated by our artists and exactly        Swiss Muslins at29C
reproduced for you at a saving of many times         Handsome designs, including a large
our prices. The loveliest styles are here for your   assortment of fancy stripes, odd figures,
Lii                     as                leaves an~d othser patterns on pure white
choosing, every detail of tailoring as near per-     grounds, 53 inches wide. Exceedingly
fedlion as human experience can make it.             stylish for waists and whoi dresses.
rri                                  j'fl For this sale at the low  price of 29c.
Classy     Spring     Suits and Coats                25cWhite Corded
~ Clasy  S ringPlaid Lawns now 1' OC
Black, Blue, Gray, Reseda and Lavender            In a great variety of patters n sigle
Th  Bue,  raydouble and cluster cords, forming large
The like of which no other store in this city can    and small checks and plaids-mostly the
e ieo        hchn      te                            indlistinct kind, 42 inches wxide. very~
show are here, so that the woman of keen artistic    desirable for waists and whole dresses.
sense can revel in exclusive, distindive models      Extra good values; no mail orders f ilk d
and select that which will best suit her individual   25c White Mercerized 18c
w                                    W    Figured Madras now
need-always at a great saving.      Second Floor, East  In hinge varietyof the latest designs-
nL                                        figured stripes, etc.  irst F Ilor, North
Priced Very Atrctvl
12  1" in  P I   N-""
We Bought Patch Bros.' Entire Stock of
Fancy Linens at ReceiversM Sale
N ENV YORK' Sd         Importing House wnt into the hands of th a r nceidrs some six eeks past, and we
secured         k of beautiful fancy i s at half.  Included are Renaissance fancy linens, cushion tops,
Cluny pieces, etc-every article clean and plerfect. The average price of these linens is 50 per cent. below their value.
Hand-Made Clu ny Pieces, Scarfs, Shams, Center- jIF'i
pieces, etc. Wh orthw TAMPS
Fc to $15.00, now                                               [h low p   i f 29c.
$1.50 Renaissance Scarfs, 20x45 inches,   With Purchases Here Before Noon
open centre. Now marked here at  -  69   Yellow Trading Stamps have been proven to
$1.25 24-inch Centerpieces, marked tof                                     a
dayat  he  xcediglylo  prce  f  4 9   beth  mot it nsmall   checksleand eplaismosl h
that bring you the handsomest premiums.  V
$2.00 30-inch Drawn-work Squares, 76c               6 1ie ir-l fr Ni. 4
marked for to-day at the low price of -                        M    sC
ENDLICK                                 SON810 CHESTNUT ST.