

This furniture consists of pieces of steel in accurate lengths with notched ends which can be quickly thrown around blank spaces,
instead of filling them in the ordinary way with wood or metal furniture, and can be done in much less time. Weight for weight it goes
six times as far in filling space as metal furniture, and is not only accurate when new but being made of steel is always new. Made of 24,
36 and 54-point steel % of an inch high, and with either 12 or 18-point notches as follows: Style No. 1, 24-point steel with one 12-point notch
on each end; No. 2, 36-point steel, with two 12-point notches on each end; No. 3, 36-point steel, with one 18-point notch on each end; No. 4,
54-point steel, with two 18-point notches on each end.

Font A-Lengths are from 8 to 72 picas, made from 24 and 36-
point steel. From 8 to 42 it is 24-point steel, with 12-point
notch, there being 18 lengths varying by two picas,
namely: 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38,
40 and 42 picas. From 45 to 72 picas it is 36-point steel,
with two 12-point notches, there being 10 lengths, varying
by three picas, namely: 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 66, 69 and
72 picas. Total, 28 different lengths, eight pieces of each,
224 in all. Price......       ......................$5400
Font B has half the quantity of font A. Price . . . .    . . . 27 00
Font C is the 24-point stock of font A; 18 lengths, 8 pieces
each, 144 pieces in all. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2900
Font D has half the quantity of font C. Price . . . . . . . . 1450
Font E is the 36-point stock of font A; 10 lengths, 8 pieces
each, 80 pieces in all. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2500
Font F has half the quantity of font E. Price . . . . . .   . 12 50

Font G is made entirely of 36-point steel, with one 18-point
notch as per style 3, and runs in length from 9 to 72
picas, there being 22 lengths, varying by 3 picas, namely:
9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60,
63, 66, 69, and 72 picas. Total, 22 lengths, 8 pieces each,
176 in all. Price.......   ......................$4400
Font H has half the quantity of font G. Price .  .  .   . . . 22 00
Font I is made of 54-point steel, with two 18-point notches, the
lengths being 15, 18, 21 and 24 inches, there being four
outside pieces and two cross bars for each length, or 24
pieces in all. The outside pieces are notched to receive
the cross bars, which are halved together. Price . . . . 21 00
Font J has 8 pieces each, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26,
28, 30 picas, of 24-point steel with one 12-point notch; and
33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60 picas, of 36-point steel, with
two 12-point notches; and 63, 66, 69, 72 picas, of 48-point
steel, with three 12-point notches. Total 27 different
lengths, 216 pieces. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6000

There is no charge for case with large fonts. Case for font B is $1.25, net; for font D, 75c, net. No separate case is made for fonts
F, F or I which are seldom wanted alone. When fonts G and I are ordered together a case is furnished to hold them both.



The above illustration of the Paragon Brass Galley shows very
clearly their superior construction. Our patent corner lock (shown
in the upper right-hand corner) and the manner in which the sides are rivited t the
bottom (not screwed on as others are) make these the most rigid and longest-wearing
galleys on the market. Another feature which still further enhances their value to the
printer is the peculiar shape of the sides (shown in the left-hand corner of the illustration). This projection or ridge at the top of the sides
enables the workman to get an easy and firm hold when lifting the galley-a great saving in " pi" and the many delays arising therefrom.


Single Column,
Single Column,
Single Column,
Medium Column,
Doable Column,
Double Column,
Double Column,
Triple Column,
Four Column,
Five Column,
Six Column,
Seven Column,
Eight Column,

3% x 234 inches inside . . . . .
3% x 151 inches inside . . . . .
3% x 11% inches inside . . . . .
5  x23ti inches inside . . . . .
6  x 23% inches inside . . . . .
64 x 15% inches inside . . . . .
6  x 114 inches inside . . . . .
8V x 234 inches inside . . . . .
10'% x 23 % inches inside . . .
13  x 23%, inches inside . . . . .
15  x234 inches inside. . . . .
174 x23% inches inside. . . . .
19%5 x23% inches inside. . . . .

. . . . . . $250
.  .  .  .  .  .  2 00
. . .          1 75
.  .  .  .  .  .  2 75
. .                                                                 . . . 300
.  .  .  .  .  .  2 50
.  .  .  .  .  .  2 25
.  .  .  .  .  .  3 50
.  .  .  .  .  .  4 25
.  .  .  .  .  .  5 00
I . .  550
.  .  .  .  .  .  625
.  .  .  .  .  .  700


6x10 inches inside . .
8% x13 inches inside
9x14 inches inside
10x 16 inches inside

$200   12x18 inches inside
250    14x21 inches inside
275    15x22 inches inside
325    18 x25 inches inside

. . .$400
. . . 4 75
. . . 525
.  .  .  700

1Yx30 inches inside . . . $300 1 7V x23%2 inches inside . . $375
6  x 23  inches inside . . 350  10 x 23 inches inside . . . 475
To estimate sizes not listed add inside width in inches and frac-
tions to one-half inside length in inches and fractions-multiply
this sum by 20, points off two places and the result is the price
of either Newspaper or Job Galley. For Mailing Galleys figure
the same way but add 50 cents for closing ends.
EXAMPLE:-For a galley measuring 9Vx23%4, take 9% (inside
width) add 11% (half inside length) which make 21%; multiply by
20 and the result is $4.22% the price of such a special galley.
1 \1?\()  ( \   I Y LOCK

8 inch 15 ems or under in width without lock . . . . .
12 inch 15 ems or under in width without lock . . . . .
16 inch 15 ems or under in width without lock . . . . .
18 inch 15 ems or under in width without lock . . . . .
22 inch 15 ems or under in width without lock . . . . .
24 inch 15 ems or under in width without lock . . . . .

.$1 00

For each additional em over 15 ems pica, add to list price 5
cents. In ordering give exact width of column wanted.
9 inches by 13 ems . . . . . . . . . . . each $1 25 Per dozen $13 00
Foot Locks for above . . . . . . .  .each  50

I iis kalley Lk  i mad, or laird brass, the eccentric lever
gripping the side rail of the galley and holding the type matter
firmly on its feet. It is very quickly manipulated by being brought
against the column and firmly locked with a slight pressure of the
fingers. It can be instantly changed from one galley to another.
Can be used on any style Paragon Galley.
For Galleys 15 ems or less in width..........  . . . . . $1 00
Lock wider than 15 ems, add to list price 5 cents per inch or
fraction thereof.
