Keystone Products
U                    TYPE
Borders and Ornaments    Brass Leads and Slugs     U
Spaces and Quads         Brass Thin Spaces
Quotation Quads          Copper Thin Spaces
Initials and Cuts        Metal Leads and Slugs
U     Brass Rules              Paragon Brass Galleys
0     Brass Interlocking Miters Standard Brass Galleys   0
Brass Corners            Standard Zinc Galleys
Galvanized Iron Storage Galleys
Paragon Galley Locks     Paragon Side Sticks
Paragon Steel Chases     Paragon Foot Sticks
0         Keystone Iron Composing Room Furniture         0
Semi-Steel Imposing Tops Paragon Steel Bearers
Keystone Hempel Quoins Longley Times Mailers
Paragon Tablet Presses   Printers' Account Books
Keystone Mail and Subscription List Books
All the above products are examples of the best quality, style and
finish that can be obtained, and we recommend them to our customers