College Courses-Wisconsin Normal Schools
The University will accept for credit to advanced standing the
work of two years in college studies offered by the state normal
schools of Wisconsin. The credits named below will be given to
students who, at the time of entering the college course of the nor-
mal school, were fully prepared to enter the freshman class at the
The following credits will be allowed in the several colleges
and courses:
A. College of Letters and Science.
Bachelor of Arts and     Bachelor of Philosophy (General
Course)-A maximum of sixty credits in required work
and work regularly offered by the University to freshmen
and sophomores.
Bachelor of Philosophy (Course for Normal School Gradu-
ates)-unior rank.
Bachelor of Science-A special amount as may be determined
by the committee on advanced standing.
B. College of Agriculture.
Required and elective language, mathematics, and sciences,
approved as equivalents by the College of Letters and
Science, to the amount of sixty credits. Technical agricul-
tural work credited only if given by special and properly
qualified teachers.
C. College of Engineering.
Credit for language and science, so far as these are required
in Engineering, on the same basis as credit given in the
College of Letters and Science. For mathematics, usually
less credit; ordinarily one semester less than the amount
taken in normal school. In mechanical drawing, credit only
so far as work is equivalent, as a technical study, to the
course in the University. All drawings made at the nor-
mal school must be submitted by the student who desires
D. Law School and Medical School.
Students who are entitled to sixty credits in college studies
will be admitted to the Law School, and also to the Medi-