Special honors will be awarded at graduation to such students
as have prepared theses of exceptional excellence. For medals
awarded for exceptional thesis, see General Catalogue.
Sophomore and senior honors are awarded in all the Colleges.
Under the grade-point system, as many points are required for
graduation as credits.  For grade A, three points are awarded
for each credit; for grade B, two points; for grade C, one point;
for grade D, no points. For the special regulations in Letters
and Science, see General Catalogue.
The maximum number of points that can be secured by a stu-
dent graduating in a course which requires, for example, 120
credits, is 360; the minimum, 120. It is evident that an average
grade of C is necessary for graduation. Students who, by reason
of grades of D, fall behind in the required number of points, are
ineligible for graduation. By use of points students may readily
determine the progress they are making in their course.
Regular students may enter classes as auditors, subject to the
approval of the adviser and of the instructor whose class is visited.
Auditors are under no obligations of regular attendance, preparation,
recitation, or examination, and receive no credit toward graduation.
Others may be admitted as auditors only with the consent of the
dean. They are required to register, pay the regular fees, and to have
class cards for the courses they elect to attend.
Regulations for the guidance of undergraduate students are pub-
lished and distributed with the time-table. These contain specific
instructions concerning registration, fees, advisers, election of studies,
requirements, the grading system, the regulations concerning social
life, public exhibitions, eligibility for student activities, admission
into fraternities, and information concerning student self-government.