The Dean of Men publishes a directory. of lodging and rooming
houses for men students, with detailed information. The Y. M. C. A.
publishes a booklet of useful information on many matters of interest
to students. Either of these books will be sent upon request.
The Faculty Committee on Student Life and Interests has general
supervision over all organized student activities, and its chairman,
the Dean of Men, is available for correspondence and consultation
regarding student affairs at all times. He will also gladly confer
with parents or guardians regarding individual students (men).
The academic and social welfare of women students is under
direct supervision of the Dean of Women. For the benefit of those
women who are not accommodated in Chadbourne and Barnard
Halls (see p. 28-), she has prepared a list of rooming and boarding
houses. All houses listed have been inspected by her, and although
responsibility for them cannot be assumed by the University, they
are believed to be suitable homes for women students. A list of
available rooms will be sent on application.
Women students are expected to occupy rooms only in such lodg-
ing houses as accommodate women exclusively, and in which a
parlor is provided for the reception of visitors.  Exceptions are
made only by permission of the Dean of Women. The houses on the
prepared list mcet these requirements. All arrangements must be
made directly with the persons mentioned in the list, and should be
made early by those who desire a wide choice of rooms. Women
students are advised to make their arrangements for rooms care-
fully, as engagements for rooms hold for an entire semester, unless
a definite arrangement is made for a shorter time. All women
students are required to report to the Dean of Women to register
their addresses, and to be directed, if rooms have not been secured.
All changes of address should be reported promptly.
Lathrop Hall, a commodious building for the use of the women
of the University, provides, in addition to a finely equipped gym-
nasium, restaurant and rest room, a meeting place for student
organizations, and a center for the social life of the University.
Miss Louise Nardin, the Dean of Women, and her staff of assist-
ants invite correspondence with parents and guardians, and gladly
cooperate with them regarding the welfare of students.
The legislative organs of self-government are the Men's Student
Senate, and the Woman's Self-Government Association; the judicial