Students entering after regular registration days and withdraw-
ing within eight weeks from the first class day, upon recommendation
made, will be allowed refunds according to the above table based
on the time actually in residence.
Summer session funds will be on the same proportional basis
as refunds for the regular year.
The full amount of fees paid shall be returned to students who
for some reason fail of admission to the University.
No claim   for remission of fees will be considered unless such
claim be presented during the fiscal year to which the claim is ap-
Fellows, scholars, and student assistants are required to pay
laboratory fees; instructors and assistants are exempt from such
At the present time the only rooming facilities provided by the
University are in Chadbourne and Barnard Halls for women, .ac-
commodating 276 students (for details see below) and in three
cooperative houses accommodating 51 women. Residents of the co-
operative houses are usually chosen from     applicants who have
attended the University at least one semester. Applicants should
correspond with the Dean of Women. All other students are de-
pendent for rooms upon private rooming houses, the Y. M. C. A.
building, and the various fraternity, sorority, and club houses. The
prices of single rooms outside the university buildings range from
$4 to $6 a week. A few double rooms can be secured for $2.50 a
week per student, but the more desirable ones rent at $3 to $5 per
Dining rooms are maintained in Chadbourne and Barnard Halls.
For other students the University operates a cafeteria in Lathrop
Hall. In private boarding houses and cafeterias board ranges from
$6.50 to $9.00 a week.
The Dean of Men and the Dean of Women make complete lists
of approved rooms, and a list of available places will be furnished
on request. See page 40.