about as big as a barn door. Don't cut any wider than 5 or 6
inches and tip them over. Lay them close together; if your curd is
dry enough your whey will drain off. Let them lay about 15
minutes, if your curd hasn't got any too much acid. Afterwards
double it up in two pieces. The first time you double it up don't
let it lay too long, about 5 or 10 minutes, but keep on piling them.
Don't pile them 5 or 6 deep, that won't do you no good. Two deep is
plenty. Don't leave any space between for the whey to drain out.
Keep piling until you get about 1 ' inches of acid and when you
got about 1 inch (about two hours to two and one-half hours after
dipping) put on your curd mill and cut it up. Keep the curd well
stirred while you are cutting it up and keep on stirring that curd
until it will pack, about 20 to 25 minutes. After that the curd
don't take much stirring. Then keep on stirring your curd until
you get a nice meaty curd. It takes some time 2 A to 3 or 4 hours.
Don't try to get out of that factory at one o'clock but take all day
if necessary. If the cheese don't make a fancy cheese that way,
don't blame me for it. I tell you boys you got to make up your
mind for one thing-the old hose cart is a thing of the past and
so is the coach and horses. If we want to get a good cheese maker
we can't get a man for $75.00 a month. Mr. Ubbelohde is right, we
have got too many factories. We have got to have factories to
employ all the boys. Years ago if a man got more than $10.00 a
month he did well and was satisfied. No man ever learned the trade
unless he wanted to be just a good cheese maker. When you get
your curd ripe and meaty rinse it with warm water. I used to use
hot water years ago but I am going back all the time, I am always
going back again to what I learned 40 years ago. Always rinse your
curd with warm water, put on 3 or 4 pails of warm water. It is
just like pouring 3 or 4 pails of water on gravel. If your dealers
wants you to hold your cheese for a year, use a little more salt,
but generally I use 2 pounds of salt. When your salt is well dis-
solved put your cheese in the hoops, but don't dump it in the press
right away. I always let my curd stand on the hoops until I had
the vat washed out and all the work done. Then put them into
the press and put on the pressure slow. Generally after half an
hour or so you can tip them up and turn the bandage over. I have
a convenient pressure press-I never had one until the last month
or so but I always used my old one, but now I am doing a great
deal better work with this press. In the morning get the cheese
out of the press put them on the shelves, and clean up your hoops
and your hoops ought to be bandaged by the time the farmers come so
that when your regular work comes you have nothing to do but just
take care of your cheese. When you got the cheese in the curing room
and after they are there 2% hours, turn the cheese in the curing
room and turn the rest of your cheese and keep on doing this
every day. We never used to turn the cheese the same day what
we took out of the press but we started in last Fall and we turn
the cheese two hours after we take them out of the press. You
get a nice good square cheese. We want to make as nice a package