ville, N. Y. the same year. He conducted this cheese factory for six
years, when he moved to Green County, Wisconsin, and in 1868 started
the first Limburger cheese factory in the town of New Glarus. The
next year, in 1869, he started the first Swiss Cheese factory in the
town of Washington, Green County.
This brings us down to within the last fifteen or twenty years, and
all of us are familiar with present day problems.
Through the courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Thomas, a large part
of this data was gathered from the files of the Sheboygan County
MEMBER: Mr. President, I think that is about the best article on
the general history of cheesemaking in Wisconsin that I have ever
heard. I believe this Association owes Mr. Hubert a vote of thanks
for getting that together. Seconded and carried.
MR. HUBERT: Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you.
SECRETARY: Let me call your attention very briefly to one feature
of this Convention. Every year we bring down here a bunch of young
cheese makers-some of them with enough experience to get their
cheese makers license perhaps for next year; others who will be help-
ers next year, but all with some experience and who have been
through the Dairy School. They sit over there in the amen corner
near that sign. If you want to hire a maker or a helper go over and
talk to them.
By MR. S. J. GIFFEN, The Great Atlantic Tea Company
Gentlemen: As far as our paying a premium for Fancy Cheese,
which we figure is a pioneer proposition in this game, we find that
we are getting a benefit that is almost unsurpassed by paying an ex-
tra premium or giving the man that makes a Fancy cheese a benefit
out of making that class of goods. The best way I can see it is that
in the distribution of this cheese to our various stores, in fact we
have 11,000 such stores-we find that we have increased our trade by
putting a uniform good quality cheese in those stores of a triple
amount. In other words, we have increased our sales to that figure
and we find that through this paying extra for cheese and getting the
quality in line with that price, that we as a strong concern can boost
the consumption of cheese better in that way than we can through
advertising. In other words, our customers are making our own
advertisement on account of the quality of goods they are getting.
In fact, prior to this buying of cheese direct from the factories, we
found that we were getting cheese that instead of helping the con-
sumption of cheese, was absolutely hurting the consumption of cheese.
We made a trip to 25 stores in one of our districts prior to locating
in Green Bay and we found out of the 25 stores, 17 stores handled
cheese that was not fit for consumption. We took this cheese out and