(33)  Seesud Prize in Clams 4.
$25 Leather Cushioned Rocking Chair from the Association.
(34)  Thbi Prlse in Clam 4.
$20 Leather Traveling Bag from the Association, If there are 10
or more in this class.
-        3(6)  Fourth Prime in Clams 4.
One leather pocket book, engraved with the winner's name, from
the J. B. Ford Co., Wyandotte, Mich.
SPecial Primes I. Class 4.
(36)  Waltham  Gold Watch. 16 size, with 25 year gold filled case,
and 17 jeweled adjusted movement, from A. J. Marschall of the
Marschall Dairy Laboratory, Madison, Wis., for the best cheese
made with Marschall Rennet Extract, and so stated on the
entry blank. The cheese must score at least 95 points. No
maker can get more than one watch, and only one watch can
go to the same factory. At least ten cheese must be entered
-in the class.
(37)  One $35 gold watch. 17 jeweled Elgin, from the Wisconsin Dairy
Laboratory, Green Bay, for the best cheese, scoring 95 or above,
made with Wisconsin Rennet Extract, and so stated on the en-
try blank. Only one to a maker or factory.
(38)  $15 cash and a framed diploma for the highest scoring cheese
scoring 95 or above, made with Hansen's Rennet Extract, and
so stated on the entry blank. Only one prize to a maker.
(39) $10 cash and a framed diploma for the second highest, as above.
(40)  The Butter, Cheese and Egg Journal Milwaukee, offers one sub-
scription for the best cheese winning no other prize.
(41)  The New York Produce Review, 173 Chambers St., New York City
offers one subscription for the lowest scoring cheese.
(42)  Clark County-First-$5.00 from  Colby State Bank for Colby
Cheese, Class 4.
Clark County-First-$5.00 from Security State Bank for Colby
Cheese. Class 4.
(43)  Clark County-Second-$6.00 from Kraus & Kersten for Colby
Cheese, Class 4.
(44)  Clark County-Third-Set of silver plated knives and forks from
Colby Hardware Co., for Class 4.
(45)  Marathon County-First-$6.00 from Colby State Bank, Colby
Cheese, Class 4.
Marathon County-Flrst-$5.00 from   Security State Bank for
Colby Cheese Class 4.
(46)  Marathon County-Second-$5.00 from A. F. Zillmer & Co., for
Colby Cheese, Class 4.
(47)  Marathon County-Third-Auto Strop razor from Zillman Bros.
for Colby Cheese.
(48)  Fourth-Parker Fountain Pen from F. W. Lulloff, Colby Cheese,
Class 4.
(49)  First Sweepstake Primes, for the one best eheese In Classes 1, 2,
8-and 4.
Silver Loving Cup. engraved with the Winner's Name, from the
Sheborgan County News and Dairy Market Reporter, Sheboy-
gan Falls, Wis.
(50)  Seeend Sweepstake Prizes In Classes 1, 2. X and 4,
Silver Loving Cup. enqgaved with the Winner's Name, from the
Sheboygan County News and Dairy Market Reporter, Sheboy-
gan Falls, Wis.
(61)  Third Sweepstake Pris In Classes 1, 2 3 and 4.
Silver Loving Cup, engraved with the Winner's Name, from the
Sheboygan County News and Dairy Market Reporter, Sheboy-
gan Falls, Wis.