just as well. I believe it is better to do that than to travel to the
factory to do it. But here is a terrible expense of a great number
of men burdening on to the state that is now already heavily taxed
and I question whether the state legislature of the State of Wisconsin
will be willing at this time to grant any such sum as involved 60 men
at four thousand dollars a piece. I think that if we can get a portion
of that amount of money and it be given to an expert man to travel
around for instruction, that we will get better results and then if
they want to grade that it shall be done at those central points on
the receipt of cheese, allowing their factory to ship their cheese as
they are now accustomed to shipping it when they have it ready to go.
If it is the pleasure of the state of Wisconsin not to change their
present holding law, I submit to you for your consideration that it
will be more economical, and can be better done to grade it at receiv-
ing points, if that is to be done by disinterested paries, and I there-
fore would second the motion that the resolution be laid on the table.
The motion was seconded that the resolution be laid on the table,
and carried.
THE PRESIDENT: The next on the program is the date of the next
A MEMBER: I move we have our convention next year the second
week in January.
MR. BILWRIEN: Mr. President, a young man from the city of
Marshfield that learned the cheese trade by me years ago, asked me
whether we couldn't change this to November the 10th, as in Decem-
ber they have a lot of snow. A lot of those fellows -want to come
down from Marathon and Wood Counties and he was very strongly
in favor of having this a month earlier. As far as I am concerned,
I could have it at any time but I don't like to have it put over in Jan-
uary or February when the legislature is in session. A lot of the
fellows go to the session.
MR. NOYES: In looking over this audience this year, I find very
few faces familiar to me from the southern part of the state. The
people from the east and northern part of the state might find it bet-
ter to come here early, but as a booster for the cheese makers, and I
have been traveling around the country a good deal in the last month,
I asked them to come down. I can see about four where we generally
have about 25 or 40 from our little section and we are from the
southern part of the state. I was asked by the cheese makers of the
southern part of the state to put this up to the convention if it
couldn't be held a month later. Of course the majority rules, and
if it goes earlier, we will abide by it, but we don't see how they can
get down here at this time of the year and if they will just stop and
figure their expenses, they will find they can travel a lot cheaper on
the trains than by automobile.
Miss BRUHN: If you have it a month earlier it will interfere with
the Central Wisconsin Association. Our desire is to have that in
October. We have been there for five years, and it would be almost
an impossibility for a lot of them to get down here. Also the Butter
Makers' Association convention takes place about the same time.
They all try to figure out not to interfere with dates. I think this
organization ought to do the same, ought to figure out their date so
it don't interfere with you and we do the same. I don't think a month
later or sooner would help very much in getting the cheese makers
down to Milwaukee from the Northern part of the state.