Surtees, Robert (1803—64)—English author of hunting novels. 57.30.

Susan, Susie, Sue, Sosie—see Susanna. Susanna (Hebrew "Lily," q.v.)—henomne
of an Apocryphal book (see Elders for hen story; see also Daniel). In FIN,
she is part of the Rose and Lily theme and doubles with Susamna Shakespeare
Hall (q.v.), who John Lane (q.v.) accused of being "naught" with Rafe Smith.
See Running of the Reins. As Sosie, Susamna is a divided or double girl like
Issy(q.v.; see also Two, Sally, etc.) —virtuous and whoring. Anna (q.v.)
is part of the name Susanma. 3.12 (see Sosie); 11.16; 19.29; 67.23; 94.11,26;
96.13; ?+ 104.10—with Issy (q.v.); 116.1; 123.27; +127.19— with
Anna (q.v.); 130.17,18; ?135.8; 144.12; 146.11; 147.14; 148.9; 154.8; ?173.1;
184.2 (sis . . . sos); 192.2; ?209.35; ?210.25 (see Dot); ?212.6,8 (see Stakelum,
Camac); ?213.26; 232.28,29 (see Dot); +234.14—with Narcissus (q.v.;
see also Cis), 18; ?238.8; 246.14; 250.8; 267.19 (see Issossianusheen); 
+271.7—with Suetonius (q.v.), ?n. 4 (Sostituda,q.v.); 293.8; 301.m.
1; 308.24; 311.22—23,34 (suit ... sowtenkins Soot . . . soolth); 317.22;
324.12, 29—30; 326.24; 329.2; 330.1; 345.19; 363.18; ?376.14; 384.27;
418.13,17; 435.15 (see Moedl's); 441.18,22; 446.6,7; 452.8; 454.18,19,24;
459.10 (bis),1 1 (his); 
471.1—2; 508.31,32; 513.6 (see 1132); 
531.22 (his); 538.30; +552.20—with Anne(q.v.); 561.16; 562.13—14;
?564.36; 567.30; +594.30—with Anne, Hen (q.q.v.); 595.8; 601.12. 
Suso, Heinrich (1300—66)—German mystic, the minnesinger of Gottesminne.

Sussex—street, etc., in Dublin. The earl of Sussex was a 16th-century
524.15; ?535.4. 
Sutor, Paul (b. 1895)—friend of Joyce's in Zurich. 265.n. 5; +326.26,27—with
Peter and Paul (q.v.). 
Sutter—whose creek ran gold, 1849. 
Sutton—Lord Mayor (q.v.) of Dublin (q.v.). Also the neck of land that
connects Howth (q.v.) to the mainland. 533.30. 
Suzy—Paris hat-maker. See Moedl's, Susanna. 435.15. 
Svea—personification of Sweden. 607.20. 
Sviatoslav—see Sweatoslaves. 
Swan—I cannot make these references cohere. Some are Shakespeare (q.v.),
some are Leda's (q.v.) swan (see Zeus), 
some are Lir's (q.v.) lonely daughter, Finnuala (q.v.), some to the Pythagorean
(q.v.) doctrine that the souls of all good poets pass into swans. See Pen,
Willy the Whooper, Hem. +21.18—with Mark the Wans, i.e., Van Hoothen
(q.q.v.); 63.35 (inn in a play; see Jacob Earwig); + 127.15—with Joseph
Swann (q.v.; see also Edison); ?139.12—13 (his wan); 171.4; +202.9—see
Swine; 204.11 (see Leda); 208.19 (see Leda); 226.5; 248.21,23 (Swan Water
is a subterranean river which once merged with the Liffey, q.v.); +270.20
(Wonderlawn's)—with Wonder (q.v.; see also Lost); +289.2—with
Anna Livia (q.v.; and the Swan Inn—see 63.35 above; "Swanee Riven");
304.1 (wan's won); 318.10 (his wandencursus—see Wonder); +326.36—with
Sweyne (q.v.); + 354.23 (limbs wandenboot)—with Miranda, Pendita, Alice,
Limbenbost (q.q.v.); + 368.29 (see Willy the Weeper); +372.4—with Mank(q.v.)
the Wanst, 16; 
+374.3 (wonderland's wanderladd'll— see 354.23 above) —see also
Leda, Liddell; 383.15 (see Lir); 423.21—22; +450.5—with Charles
Swann (q.v.); 
+465.35—with Charles Swann (q.v.; note Leda, .36); 508.7 (was wandering);
+511.13—?with Synge (q.v.); 
+516.18—with William Swann (q.v.); 
 548.33 (see Fimnuala); 557.9 
(evenywans)—with HCE (q.v.); +565.3—with Valkynies (q.v.; ?Lohengrin);
576.26; 577.3; 581.6; 598.5—6 (... mus wandenwards); 600.31. 
Swann, Charles—of Proust's (q.v.) Swann's Way. He doubles with Swan
(q.v.). 410.3; 450.5; 465.35. 
Swann, Sin Joseph (1828—1914)—British inventor of am incandescent
lamp. See Edison. + 127.15—with Swan (q.v.). 
Swann, Major William —he and Major Sirr (q.v.) captured Lord Edward
Fitzgerald (q.v.). See Swan. 516.18. 
Swaran—im Macpherson's Fingal (q.q.v.), leaden of the Norse against
whom Fin gal fights. The Nonse are defeated and general reconciliation occurs.
131.22; 348.14; ?521.1; ?524.17. 
*Sweainey, Sister Evangelist, 391.33. 
Sweatagore—Russian Svyatogor, a supernatural hero of Russian folklore,
literally meaning "Holy Mount." +37.2— with Tagone (q.v.). 
Sweatoslaves—Mrs Chnistiani says, Sviatoslav I (d. 972), first Nonse
king of Kiev to bear a slav name. 309.12.