Domovoj—Slavic soul of an ancestor, become a household god. 411.18.

*Donachle's_donlçey's years? 624.16. 
*Donahbella, 585.24. 
*Donald, Leathertogs, 71.24. 
Donatus, Aelius—Roman grammarian. His Ars grammatica was so popular
in the Middle Ages that Donet came to mean a rudimentary treatise of any
*Donawhu_Donoghue? Don't know who? Blue Danube? 76.32. 
Donkey—see Ass. 
*Donn, Teague and Hurleg—Tom Dick Harry (q.v.). See also Three. Maybe
they are Dane, Irishman (Teague), and Englishman (Henry II,q.v.). +337.30—
with Dante (q.v.). 
Donne, John (1573—1631)—the poet makes no sense in these contexts.
261.16; +516.20—with Ass (q.v.); 
18. 10. 
Donnelly—Dan Donnelly was an Irish champion prizefighter who in 1815
knocked out Cooper, the English champion. His footprints have been preserved
somewhere or other in Ireland and his fossilized arm "is one of the major
attractions of a Kihcuhlen hostelry." Joe Donnelly is a character in "Clay."
Ignatius Donnelly wrote The Great Cryptogram, a Baconian (q.v.) landmark.
?39.17; 84.36; ?499.11—l2; 518.30; ?585.28,29 (Donnelly's Orchard is
a Dublin street). 
Doodles family—of 299.n. 4. These I take to be the Dedahus (q.v.) family;
see also Signs. The signs are the signs of Letters, I, 213, where they are
identified as: 
m (Earwicker, HCE by moving letter round) 
i~ Anna Livia 
—i Isolde [note this letter is moved] 
X Mamalujo 
~ This stands for the title... 
A Shaun 
E Shem Cain 
See HCE, Anna Livia, Issy, Mamahujo, Tithe, Shaun, Shem, Cain. 
 Thus in 1924 Joyce had made his "signs for the chief characters." That FW
has "chief characters" does not accord with Vmnding's account (see Ehlmann,
709) of Joyce's (1936) account of FW having "in a way no characters... If
one had to name a character, it would be just an old man." 
 This makes FIN sound like John 
Thorpe's description of Camilla: "nothing in it but an old man playing at
see-saw and learning Latin." FW is not hike that. HCE, Anna Livia, Issy,
the Four Old Men, Shem and Shaun are as distinct and vivid as characters
in Northanger Abbey, Othello, or Ulysses. Joyce may have misled Vinding,
been misunderstood, or may have been speaking in Stephen Dedalus' (q.v.)
incontrovertible and sophistical mode: 
"We walk through ourselves, meeting robbers, ghosts, giants, old men, young
men, wives, widows, brothers-in-love. But always meeting ourselves" (Ulysses,
210). Is the intention of 299.n. 4 to ask about the Dedalus family of Ulysses?
Are they hoodooed (accurst) or are they a family that hoodoos others? Or
are they the family that the fabulous artificer [and/or Joyce] made for FW?

Dooley, Mr—F. P. Dunne's (q.v.) IrishAmerican comic who comments on
men and affairs to his friend, Hennessy(q.v.). The popular song "Mr Doohey"
(1901), by Jerome, was imitated by Joyce in "Dooheysprndence" (1916)—see
Critical Writings, 246. Joyce's burden is: plague on all war-makers. In the
Museyroom episode, Dooley is one of the Three (q.v.) soldiers—see Lipoheums.
See also Hinndoo. 10+4,5, +.6 (bis)—with Hennessy, Hinndoo (q.q.v.),
+ .9—ditto, .+ 19—with Hennessy, Hinndoo, Dufferim (q.q.v.);
+40.12—with Punch and Judy, Dedalus (q.q.v.); 107.19; 240.12; 
Doolin—Dubhin (q.v.). 332.10; 372.16. 
Doolin, Larry—subject of an Irish ballad, a Dublin jaunting-car driver.
+5926—with Jerry (q.v.); 210.19. 
*Doolittle_Ehiza? or Dooley (q.v.)? 10.32. 
*Dora_Defense of the Realm Act, a censoring device. See Biddy Doran, Pandora,
Dora Marsden. 228.16; 443.5. 
Doran, Biddy—her name links her to Brigid, St Bridget, Biddy O'Brien
(q.q.v.), and, by way of Greek doron, "gift" to Pandora (q.v.; see also Dora)
the all-gifted. Biddy is thepoule (French "whore") or guinea-hen (q.v.) who
finds in the dunghilh the letter (Frenchpoulet, "love letter") from Boston,
Mass. A female may have written the letter to another part of her split personality
(see Sally). The letter is a nothing, but the hen fondly, fatuously, believes
it will save Everyman's reputation, clear his