judges (see Elders). 94.27; 167.27; 239.5; 307.left margin; 344.30; 384.1;
?469.21 (bis); 476.14. 
*Solaking the First—Louis XIV? 
Amenhotep? Heliogabalus? (q.q.v.). Mn 
Tysdahl suggests Solness(q.v.). See Sun. 
Solveig—Peer Gynt's (q.v.) girl, whose song ends the play. The Russian
for "nightingale'~ (q.v.) is solovei. ?129.14; 
Solyman—see DrBethel Solomon. 542.28. Somerlad (d. 1164)—descendant
of Irish high kings, ousted Nomsemen from the Western Islands. 331.26 (see
Somers, Will—Henry VII's (q.v.) fool. Sommervogel = Swiss-German "butterfly."
See Will. 415.27; 602.7. 
*Sommers, Goodboy—penhaps Sin 
George Somers, whose shipwreck in 
Bermuda inspired The Tempest; perhaps 
Tosti's (q.v.) "Farewell." ?319.10; 
 ?33 1.26 (see Somenlad); 453.16; ?502.29. Sonia—heroine of Dostoevski's
Crime and 
Punishment. See Raskolnikov. 348.34; 
*Soothbys_see Nomneys. Perhaps the London auctioneers. 557.2. 
Soothsayer—in Julius Caesar (q.v.). 
*Sopherim_Hebmew word for the class of Scribes, hence, maybe Shem the Penman(q.v.).
*Sophia, Sophy (Greek "wisdom")—see Pruny-Quetch, Athena, see Ulysses
"Christ with the bridesisten (see Bride) repentant Sophia." 9.34 (Willingdon's,
q.v., telescope); 31.16 (King William's, q.v., aunt); ?149.20; 354.18; 413.20;
?450.18; 534.28; ?551.29. 
Sophocles—Greek tragic poet. 47.19. 
Sordina, Count Fnancesco (1863—1934)— born in Greece, rich Triestine
who took English lessons from Joyce and helped him out of Trieste in 1915
(see Ralli). He was interested in Napoleon (q.v.). +221.32—with Swift
(q.v.; and Sandinia); 352.9 (see Ralli), .10. 
*Sorenson_Kiemkegaard (q.v.) ?370.24; 
Sorge—acconding to some medieval romances, the son of Tristan and Isolde
of Ireland (q.q.v.). 189.18; 578.11. 
Sorley Boy MacDonnell (1505—90)— Ulster chief who harried the
English and his neighbors. + 16.5—?with Parnell (q.v.); 499.24. 
Sosie—means double (Letters, 1,248); also, 
French for counterpart, second self. See 
Two, Sally, Rachel and Leah, Issy, Lucia 
Joyce, etc. Sosie and Susy are listed 
under Susanna (q.v.). 
*Sostituda_see Sosie? 27 in. 4. 
Soter, Pope—pope from 167 to 174. 
Soteric—see Sitric. 393.8. 
Sothis—Egyptian goddess, both Isis and Sirius (q.q.v.). 13.4; 14.2;
161.12; 452.6. 
*Soulard, 292.23. 
Soult, Nicolas Jean de Dieu, Duke of Dalmatia (1769—1851)—Fmemch
marshal who fought Wellington (q.v.) in the peninsula and at Waterloo. 10.14
Souslevin, Jean—John Sullivan (q.v.). 
Sousymoust—see Zosimus. 232.7. 
Southampton, Henry Wriothesley, 3d earl—to whom Shakespeare (q.v.)
dedicated "Venus and Adonis" and "Lucrece" (q.q.v.). He is a leading pretender
to the role of Mr IN. H. (q.v.). See Harry? +354.16—with Monehamptom
Sow—see Pig, Francie, Cleopatra. 
Sowyer—see Peter Sawyer. 372.6. 
Space—see Time. Space is not used for Shaun-as-Wyndham-Lewis (q.q.v.);
but "space" on "time-space" usually indicates IN. Lewis on a cluster of references
from Time and Western Man. 
*5padeJ~ard, Magnus, 480.12. 
Sparkes, Isaac—according to Fitzpatrick (q.v.), "the greatest favourite
that even trod the Irish boards." Foote was an 18th-century actor. 199.35;
*5paj.j~m_see Warren. 575.30. 
Sparrow, Frank—according to Mr Senn, a Dublin architect and songwriter.

Sparrow's—Dublin store. See Slyne. 
Spartacus—leaden of the Slave on Gladiatorial War against Rome, 73—71
B.C. Also a German revolutionary socialist party,ca. 1918. 116.11. 
Spectrum girls—see Seven, Rainbow Girls. 
Speke, John Haning—discovered the source of the Nile (q.v.; see Nyanza).
I think his name is in the "0 Answer" (i.e., "speak") which accompanies the
Nile theme. 20220. 
*Spence, Father Petrie—Peten's (q.v.) Pence. See Petries, Spens? 350.28.