Nephew—usually Tristan (q.v.). 
Nephilim—offspring of the sons of God and the daughters of men (Genesis,
vi, 4). Brewer (q.v.) says they were semidivine heroes and giants. 590.17.

Nepos, Cornelius (99—24 B.c.)—Romam historian, letter writer,
collector of anecdotes. 134.28; 389.28; 392.18. 
Neptune—Italian sea-god, equivalent of Poseidon (q.v.). See Lin, Ocean,
Triton, Leanden. Also a Dublin rowing club. 
203.12; 391.18; 585.2. 
Nereids—nymphs of the Mediterranean. 
Nero (37—68)—Roman emperor who fiddled while Rome burned. 177.14;
306.left margin. 
Nerses the Gracious (d.1 165)—Armenian poet. 242.9. 
Nessans, St—to him, the Book of Howth (q.v.) is attributed. 26.34;
488.5 (with Dublin's Nassau, q.v., Street). 
Nessie—the Loch Ness sea-serpent. +365.28—with Stella and Vanessa
(q.v.); +379.16—with Stella and Vanessa (q.v.). 
Nessus—centaun whose blood-soaked shirt killed Hercules (q.v.). 508.14.

Nestor—wise old warrior in Homer (q.v.), Mr Deasy (q.v.) in Ulysses.
?73.25; 307.left margin. 
Net on Neith—Egyptiam virgin goddess. 
148.4; 415.31. 
*Netta and Linda, 527.27. 
*Nettie, 104.24. 
*Nettle, Nelly—see Nell, Nelly. 604.36. 
Nettleship, J. T. (1841—1902)—Irish painter. 313.27. 
Neuclidius—see Euclid. 155.32 
*Neville, 61.21; 552.12. 
Nevsky, Alexander—Russian hero. Street in St Petersburg? In Eisenstein's
movie, Alexander and Vasiby Buslaev (q.v.) fight side by side. 442.11. 
Newcomen's—bank that once stood in 
Castle Street, Dublin. Bridge across the 
Liffey (q.v.). + 130.21—with Comyn 
Newman, John Henry(1801—90)—English cardinal. Joyce held him
the finest prose writer in English, and in "Oxen of the Sun" uses his style
for "utterance of the word" (Ulysses, 422) on the birth of a new man. I guess
Newman will be found to be more important in FIN than has yet been seem.
He helped found the Catholic University in Dublin, checked by Cardinal Cullen
(q.v.) at every turn. 282.2021; +467.33—with Numa (q.v.); 
+493.31—with Nu (q.v.); +596.36— with Noman (q.v.); +614.17—with
Noman (q.v.). 
Newnes, Sir George (1851—1910)— publisher of Tit-B its, The Strand
Magazine, etc. 363.6 (see Pearson). 
Newton, Sir Isaac (1642—1727)—Emglish natural philosopher, author
of the Principia and Universal Arithmetic (293.27— 28). + 106.28—29—with
Isaac (q.v.); 
126.17; +293.17—with Sarah, Isaac (q.q.v.); +483.20—with Isaac,
Mick, Nick (Mr Wilder says, Principia in .20); +611.20 (Entis-Onton—anagnam)—
with Einstein (q.v.); +625.25—26—with Theophilus Newton (q.v.).

Newton, Rt. Hon. Theophilus, Lord Newton of Newton Butler—Mn Senn says,
he left £13 a year to be distributed in 5 shillings' worth of bread
weekly to the poor of Dublin. +625.25—26—with Isaac Newton (q.v.).

Ney, Marshal—one of Napoleon's marshals, fought at Waterloo. 10.15
Nial (or Niall) of the Nine Hostages— father of Leany (q.v.), ruled
Ireland in the 4th century, raided Britain, was deserted by his own men and
conquered by the Romans. A later Nial was perhaps slain by Hamlet (q.v.);
see also Olaf, Sitnc. 96.4-5; ?282.32; 346.33; 580.24. 
Nichiabelli—Nick and Machiavelli (q.q.v.). 182.20. 
Nicholas—see Nick. St Nicholas (d.326) 
was patron of schoolboys (see Santa Claus). 
Nicholas of Cusa (1401— 64). 
I have learnt that the place wherein Thou [God] art found unveiled is girt
round with coincidence of contradictories, and this is the wall of Paradise
wherein Thou dost abide.... Thou art there where speech, sight, hearing,
taste, touch, reason, knowledge and understanding are the same. . . . Thine
eternal Word cannot be manifold nor diverse... . Now and Then coincide in
the circle of the wall of Paradise . . . it is beyond the Present and the
Past that Thou dost exist and utter speech!... the wall of absurdity which
is the coincidence of creating with being created.... While I imagine a Creator
creating I am still on this side of the wall of Paradise. .. . I have not
yet entered, but I am in the wall! 
These Cusan fragments are from Visio Dei, trans. Emma Gurney Salter, 1928,
published in Mysticism, F. C. Happold (Baltimore, Md., 1963), pp. 305ff.

Nicholas was a cardinal, author of On