"The Dead." Various Tibbhe or Theobald can name him. 420.9; 504.30. 
*FJ.ancie_Festy King's pig (q.q.v.), who may be identical with the sow Chiopatrick
(see Chio, Cleopatra, St Patrick, who herded pigs in Ireland). Frank (q.v.)
is one of Shaun's (q.v.) names. +8627— with St. Francis of Assisi,
Francis Bacon, Framçois Vilbon, Framçois Rabebais (q.q.v.);
Francis of Assisi (1182—1226)—founder of the Franciscan order,
animal hover. He preached to the birds; in FIN III,ii, Shaun (q.v.), an anti-Franciscan
type, preaches to girls who are also birds (see Hen), and sometimes little
flowers. +8627 (see Francie above); 226.9; 
433.1; 440.20-2 1. 
Francis Xavier, St (506-52)—Spanish Jesuit, "Apostle to the Indies."
His day is December 3. 433.1. 
François de Sales, St (1567—1622)— patron of writers.
See Macleay. +212.15—with St Francis Xavier(q.v.). 
Fran Czeschs—see Schaurek. 
*FrapJ( (means "free")—mame usually given Shaun (q.v.) or unassignabbe.
See also St Francis, Benjamin Franklin, Francie, Frank Power, Francis Bacon,
Rabelais, Vibbom? 48.11 (see St Austell, Frank Smith); ?+62.15—16—with
Abel (q.v.); 70.5,10 (see Betreffender; ?General Franco); 121.20; ?127.29;
134.26; 183.19; 220.12; 234.32; 282.8; 302.31; 
303.30; 315.36; 332.8; ?343.28; ?388.18; 
405.23; 410.21; 413.30; 452.15; 465.12; 
478.17,19; 533.15; 55720; 56223; 
Franklin, Benjamin (1706—90)—American revolutionary, diplomat,
writer, scientist who dared the lightning. +289.10—with Ben Jomsom
+372.7-8—with Benjamin Guinmess (q.v.); 606.14 (with Three Rock Mountaim),20.

*Fred_see Watkins? ?184.19; 330.4. 
*Freda_see Fred Watkins. 588.2. 
French, Basil—character in Henry 
James's "Julia Bride" (q.q.v.) of whom 
Julia was "proud." +464.36—with 
David, Davitt, French Devil (q.q.v.). 
French Devil—Jean Bart (165 1—1702), a brave French sailor. 268.n.
6; +464.36—with David, Davitt, Basil French (q.q.v.). 
French, John, 1st earl of Ypres (1852— 1925)—Irish commander
of the British Expeditionary Force in France and Bel 
gium, 1914- 15. Irish viceroy, 1918, who was always in scandals with girls.
8.11. French, Percy—turn of the century Dublin entertainer, songwriter.
See Abdub, Slattery, Paddy Reilly, Phil the Fluter. He wrote "The Mountains
of Mourne," "Are You Right There, Michael" (q.v.). +296.n. 1—with ffremch(q.v.);
495.3,27. Frere, John H. (1769—1846)—English bight-versifier.
See Hood. 48721. 
Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939)—Viennese psychoanalyst, author of The Interpretation
of Dreams (338.29—30). The relation of Ulysses and FW to this work
is tricky and subtle and deserves the fullest, deepest study. Joyce joins
him to his rivah, Jung, and makes rude remarks about how they are frauds,
corrupters of youth. As has often been said, German Freude = "joy." +7.13—with
Falstaff (q.v.); ?34.7; 115.23 (see Jung, Alice); + 123.20—with Jung
(q.v.); 172.21; 
+ 173.17—with Manu (q.v.); ?2992—3; ?337.7; 411.35-36; +460.20—with
Jung (q.v.); ?579.20. 
Frey—Norse god of fertility, peace. 211.4; 
 231.13; ?247.17; 335.15; 356.17; 
+58226—with Humphrey (q.v.). 
*Frick's Flame, 537.30. Frida, Freda, etc.—Joyce wrote (Letters, I,
264): "These are 29 [q.v.] words for ' Peace' taken from or modelled on the
following tongues and variations (German, Dano-Norwegiam, Provençal,
French, Greek, French variations, Malay, Echo, Gipsy, Magyar chibdrens, Armenian,
Sengalese, Latin variation, Irish, Diminutive, N. Breton, S. Breton, Chinese,
Pidgin, Arabic, Hebrew, Sanscrit, Hindustani and English). This word was
actually sighed around the world in that way in 1918." 470-71. Friday—Robinson
Crusoe's native friend. 
Fnith, William Powell (18 19—1909)— English artist who painted
Swift and Vanessa (q.q.v.). 358.36. 
*Fritzle, 420.9. 
*Froncesmaybe Peaches (q.v.) Browning. 527.17. 
Frost, Percival (1817—98)—mathematician. 286.9, ?.19. 
Frou Frou—titbe of Meilhac and Halévy's opera. I don't know
if Frou Frou is a girl or not. 127.17; +236.12—13—with Prufrock
(q.v.); 510.35. 
Frul Mria—Fellow of the Royal University of Ireland and Member of the