ing them by his eloquence to go gently: 
paralleled in III,ii, by his preaching barrenness to a girl audience. St
Michael (q.v.) performs the same happy task— soul guiding—in
the Greek church. Hermes has many other attributes, all of them fitted neatly
to Shaun. 66.26-27 (herm = stone pillar with phallus and head of Hermes on
it); +81.6,7 (milestones. . . Hermes)—with Stone, Anton Hermes (q.q.v.);
263.22 (see Hermes Trismegistus); +271.5—6—with Oxthievious (q.v.);
+411.21—with Maham (q.v.; see also Hound, Hand); 470.2 (see Hermes
Trismegistus); 471.17 (see 66.26-27 above). 
*Hermes, Anton—see Hermes. Also Dantom? 81.7. 
Hermes Trismegistus—the god Thoth (q.v.) and/or an Egyptian magus who
lived before or after the flood. His works, sometimes called the Emerald
Tables (263.22), appeared as Pimander (408.20: 
"Those sembal simon purnpkel piemam yers") in the 3d century AD.; by the
17th century, Pimander was known to be forged and plagiarized, a jumble of
Christian and Neophatonic matter. Miss Frances Yates in her rackety book,
Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition (New York, 1969), associates Trismegistus
and Bruno (q.v.; see also Ass, Mercury); she does not know F'IN and has been,
for some Joyceams, a misleading guide. See Hermes. 
 Such Hermetic matter as I have read or read about is on an intellectual
bevel with Kahhib Gibram—simple-minded mystical platitudes with a strong
hate of sex and physical fertility. This I take to be the tenor of Shaun's
(q.v.) sweet preaching to girls in FIN III, ii, and his harsh lecturing to
boys in I,vi,# 11 (see Letters, I, 258). 
 Joyce's references to Dublin Hermetics are from first to last unfriendly.

Hermione—queen in The Winter's Tale (see Perdita). 14.8. 
Hero and Leander—bovers in classical story and in Marlowe's (q.v.)
poem. Heroine of Much Ado. 68.25; 117.2; 135.17; +146.24—with Eros,
Rose (q.q.v.; "oferoes" brings in Bédier's,q.v., Tristan, q.v., who,
disguised, carries Iseult from boat to land when she undergoes the ordeal
of iron); 203.13 
 (Leander, a British rowing club); 
 249.14,19—20;  328.25 (see Heri); 
?394.33; ?398.5,29; 466.14; 487.31. 
Herod Antipas (reigned 4 B.C.—A.D. 39)— built cities, is the
Herod of Matthew 2, who ordered Jewish children massacred because he feared
Christ might live. He always doubles with INymdham Lewis (q.v.), for both
of them created a childermas. + 13.20—with Herodotus(q.v.); 
 + 127.11—with Harrods (q.v.); 
+ 159.15—with Harrods (q.v.); 260.n. 1; 
+275.m. 5—with Harry, Herodotus (q.q.v.); +423.8—with Childe
Harold (q.v.); 520.5; +527.3—with Harrods (q.v.); +536.35—with
Harrods; 599.5; 
Herodotus(484-25 B.C.)—Greek historian. 
+ 13.20—with Herod (q.v.); +275.n. 
5—with Harry, Herod (q.q.v.); ?341.1 1; 
410.2; 6 14.2,35. 
Herrera y Tordesiblas, Antonio de—wrote General History of the West
Herrick or Eric—see Earwickers of Sidlesham, Eric. Herrick may include
Robert Herrick (1591—1674), English poet. See Mr Staples' mote (AWN,
11,6,13). 30.9—10; +220.25—with Eric, king of Sweden (q.v.);
359.26; ?530.21; 610.8; 623.1 (see Ericoricori). 
*Herrington_Haringtom (q.v.)? 101.14. 
*Hersy_heresy? 355.15. 
Hertz, Heinrich Rudolph (1857—94)— German physicist who discovered
the phenomenon called "hertziam waves." 
232.10; 331.23; 460.25. 
Hery Crass Evohodie—Mr 0 Hehir says, heri cras evo hodie, "yesterday,
tomorrow, hurray today." See HCE, Here Comes Everybody. +546.10-li. 
Hesitency, Hesitancy—see Pigott. 
Hesperus—personification of the evening star. 38.14; 245.23; 306.27;
Hester—see Stella. 
*Heterodithe~, 221.31. 
Heth—Phoemician name for letter H (as in 
HCE). 452.13; 623.34. 
*Hetty Jane—see Stella? 27.11. 
Heva—Latim for Eve (q.v.). In patristic etymologies Heva means serpent
(q.v.). See Havvah, Ave. 
*Hewitt_see Hugh. +42.4; 118.20; + 135.29—with Costello, HCE (q.q.v.).

Heytsbury—Dubhim street. Lord Heytsbury was a 19th-century viceroy.

Hiawatha—Longfellow's (q.v.) Indian hero. 600.8. 
Hibbert, Robert—l9th-cemtury radical who endowed a lectureship. +388.29—with
Mother Hubbard (q.v.).