Alice); +30.22—with Alice, Anna Livia (q.q.v.); +57.12, 25,26,28,29—with
Alice, W.Lewis, Cadenus (q.q.v.); ?+ 151 .23—with W.Lewis, Lewis Waller
(q.q.v.); + 159.5, 30—with Alice, W.Lewis, etc. (q.q.v.; see Letters,
III, 174,176; W.Lewis told Joyce to go to S.America—see P.Colum, Our
Friend, 145); + 167.30—with W.Lewis, Carr (q.q.v.; see also Carhow?);
?+ 171.20—with W.Lewis, Lewis Wahler (q.q.v.); + 179.21—with
Alice, W.Lewis, Dedahus (.17,2 1) (q.q.v.; refers also, perhaps, to Proust's,
q.v., "lost past"); + 181.2—with Sir Charles INyndham, Parnell (q.q.v.),.3;
with Lewis Waller, W.Lewis (q.q.v.); +226.2—with Charles I or II (whichever
Charles "Carolina" was named for; see Dinah), +6—with Alice, W.Lewis,
etc.(q.q.v.), ?+ .29— with Alice (q.v.); +234.7—with Carr (q.v.;
Joyce's poem about Carr quoted at .16), +15—with Carr, W.Lewis (q.q.v.),
+ .20—with Carr,Kevin (q.q.v; see also Mookse); +236.6-7—with
IN.Lewis (q.v.); +2412—with Alice, IN.Lewis, etc. (q.q.v.); +243.17
(bis)—with W.Lewis, Ludwig, Earwicker (q.q.v.), + .35—with W.Lewis,
Maas, Mario, Josephine and Marie Louise (q.q.v.); +292.29—with IN.Lewis
(q.v.; compare 
294.7); ?+293.22—with Alice, W.Lewis, etc. (q.q.v.); +294.7—with
Alice, ?A.Elhis (q.q.v.), +8—with IN.Lewis (q.v.), + .16—with
Alice, W.Lewis (q.q.v.); 
+295.19 (wonder,q.v.,.15,16)—with W.Lewis (q.v.), +27—with Alice,
Dedalus (dainticah . . . accomplasses . . . alhus), W.Lewis, Dante (q.q.v.);

 +296.25—with W.Lewis (q.v.); 
+360.25—with W.Lewis (q.v.), +27— with Parnell (q.v.); +361.21—with
Ludwig, ?IN.Lewis (q.q.v.); +366.3— with Alice, Anna Livia, ?IN.Lewis
(q.q.v.); 374.2 (bis) (W.L., in Time and Western Man, said all writing is
done in a 
trance); +378.17—with IN.Lewis, 
Lucifer (q.q.v.); +379.10—with Carr, ?Carlow (q.q.v.); +388.4—with
W.Lewis ?, Alice, etc. (q.q.v.); +453.26—with W.Lewis, Alice, Issy,
Aloysius (q.q.v.); 482.1 (bis), +5—with W.Lewis, Alice (q.q.v.); +501.36—with
W.Lewis (q.v.; see also 502.1,6); +538.3—with Ludwig, Muggleton (q.q.v.);
+576.24—with Carr (q.v.); +601.14—with Swift (see Cadenus), .16-
17; ?+623.l—with Alice, etc. (q.v.). 
Carson, Sir Edward (1854-1935)—Ulster 
Protestant leader, prosecutor at one of 
Wilde's (q.v.) trials. ?+46.15—with 
Carr, Kersse (q.q.v.); ?241 .33 (see 
Karssens); + 339.6—with Carr, Kersse 
(q.q.v.); +343.2—with Carr, Kersse 
(q.q.v.); 532.1—2. 
Carte, Richard D'Oyly (1844-1901)— producer of Gilbert and Sullivan
(q.v.). 279.n.1; +574.1—with Doyle and D. Owens (q.q.v.). 
Carus, Marcus Aurelius—Roman emperor from 282 to 283, murdered like
Vitellus (q.v.). +406.15—with Caruso (q.v.). 
Caruso, Enrico (1873—1921)—Italian tenor. +406.15—with
Carns (q.v.). 
Carver, George Washington (18641943)—American botanist. 78.35. 
Caryatides—maidens of Caria, 158.36. 
Casablanca, Louis (1755-98)—father of the boy on the burning deck,
immortalized by Mrs Hemans (q.v.). White House? 342.9. 
Casanova (1725-98)—Italian lover, adventurer. +230.15—with Casanuova
Casanuova, Mondamoiseau of—Anne Hathaway (q.v.) considered as Mrs Bird
(swan) of New Place whom Stephen Dedalus (q.v.) in "Scylla and Charybdis"
holds to have been a female Casanova. Other commentators have supposed her
a Mademoiselle from Armentiers who wasn't kissed in twenty years. +230.14-15—with
Casanova (q.v.). 
*Casemate, Lady Jales—maybe Roger Casement (q.v.). 387.22—23.

Casement, Sir Roger (1864-1916)—Irish rebel. I worry about not finding
more of him in FIN. Joyce must have been interested in his "Black Book,"
his Christansen (q.v.). ?80.13; ?478.17; ?548.7; ?559.4. 
Caseous—see Burrus and Caseous. 
Casey—Mr Atherton says that "Comic 
Cuts" had a large panel called "Casey's 
Court," showing all sorts of capering. 
+286.9—with John Casey (q.v.). 
Casey, John—mathematics professor at 
Catholic University, Dublin, author of 
Sequel to Euclid (q.v.), noted for his 
demonstrations of the circle. Also John 
Casey of Portrait? 206.12; +286.9—with 
Casey (q.v.). 
Cash—Lord Mayor (q.v.) of Dublin (q.v.). 
*Caspi, 256.35. 
Cassandra—Priam's (q.v.) implausible