kings. Habakkuk—Old Testament book. 116.32. 
 *Hackett_maybe includes two IrishAmericans who had a fight with John Quinn
about Portrait of the Artist. 80.33. 
also King's Men, Queen's Men, see IN. IN. Kelly—Evergreen Touring Company);
317.14; +323.27,28—with Salmon (q.v.); 331.1; 338.24; 343.23—24
reference to Othelbo,q.v.); 350.33; 352. 23; ?368.1—6 (6 times); +376.17,18—
with M. Gomme, Gumming (q.q.v.); +387.35—with Humphrey, Godfrey (q.q.v.);
434.10; ?+443.2 1—with Robbo (q.v.); 481.19; +497.17—with Gummar
(q.v.); +510.13—with Gummar (q.v.); +513.20—with Papagemo (q.v.);
5; ?552.28; +588.11—with Gummar (q.v.); +590.24—with M. Gomne
(q.v.); +596.15—with M. Gomme, Gumnar, Gumming (q.q.v.); +598.9—with
Gumming, M. Gomne (q.q.v.); +622.22—23— with Gilhigan, Healy,
Sullivan (q.v.; see also Twelve); +625.32—with M. Gonme (q.v.). 
Gunn, Selskar (1883—1944)—son of 
Michael Gumn and Bessie Sudbow 
(q.q.v.), friend of Joyce. I don't know 
why he is partnered with Pervenche 
(q.v.). She is listed here. In Danish, 
elskere is "hovers." ?15.6 (Elsekiss 
 Kerry); 28.26-27; 223.7; 238.23; 
+281.14-15—with Venus (q.v.); 330.7 
(here, Mrs Christiami says, is quoted the 
Norwegian national anthem); 388.6; 
580.17—18; 626.19. 
Gunnar—oftem perhaps only Michael Gumm, Maud Gomme (q.q.v.). Gummar
is Brynhibda's husband in the Nibelungenlied. 177.18; 257.34; 497.17; 510.13;
588.11; 596.15. 
Gunning, Elizabeth and Maria—l8thcentury beauties who took London by
storm. Maria married Lord Coventry, Elizabeth married the Dukes of Hamilton
and Argyll (q.q.v.). See also Elizabeth and Mary. 
These charmers mix with their niece, another Elizabeth (1769—1823),
whose story is told in military terms by Horace Walpole (q.v.) in his letters
to the Misses Barry, 1790-9 1. "Gumnilda" or "The Infanta" (q.v.) forged
letters, as the Jimmies 
(q.v.) do in the Museyroom episode, because she wanted to capture the to-be
Duke of Marlborough. The plot failed and she was unmasked. Walpohe describes
a Gillray print called "The New Art of Gumming" in which Gumnilda is astride
a cannon, firing forged betters at Blenheim while her mother lifts up "her
hoop to shelter injured innocence, as she calls her." (Compare FIN 8.29—36).

 It is nearly impossible to separate the Gumming aunts from niece, from each
other, from Maud Gomne (q.v.), herself a soldier-girl, from Michael Gunm
(q.v.). See also Betsy Ross. + 8.9,1 1,14—with 
M. Gomme, M. Gumm (q.q.v.); +343.23— 24—with Michael Gumn (q.v.);

+376.18—with Maud Gomme (q.v.); 
+495.25-26—with Elizabeth, Mary, ?Maud Gonne (q.q.v.); +508.28—with
Maud Gomme (q.v.); +512.18—with Maud Gonme, Anne (q.q.v.); 567.11;
+596.15—with Maud Gomme (q.v.); 
 +598.9—with Maud Gonme (q.v.). Gus—see Augustine? 
Gutenberg, Johann (1398— 1468)— 
 German printer. +20.7—with Jute. 
Guy's Hospital—in London. + 545.31— with Guy Fawkes (q.v.). 
*Gwen, 406.11. 
Gwenn du Lake—Glendabough (see St Kevin, Guinevere, Lancelot, q .q.v.).

*Gwyfyn, 418.28. 
*Gygss_giges, Greek "giant," or Gyges, Lydiam king. 36.13; 494.23. 
Gynt, Peer (or Peter,q.v.)—Norwegian folk 
hero, subject of play by Ibsen, opera by Grieg (q.q.v.). At one time Joyce
thought to make Ulysses "a Dublin Peer Gynt" (Litz, 2), and I am not sure
he didn't go on to do so. 75.17; 199.8; ?311.29; +330.5—with Peter
and Paul (q.v.); ?+340-41—with Persse O'Reilly (q.v.); 365.6; +369.10—with
Frank Power (q.v.); ?445.24; 490.22; +535.19—with Peter and Paul, Ibsen
(q.q.v.); 540.22— 23; 624.10; 626.34. 
Haakon—several Norwegian 
Haarington, King—see Sir John 