Messenger—see Angel. Messenger is usually Shaun (q.v.) the Post, who
is Mercury-Hermes (q.q.v.), messenger of the gods. The hen (q.v.) also delivers
Messia—goddess of reaping. 235.1; 
Messop, Mr—see Mossop. 
*Metellus and Ametallikos—Shem and Shaun (q.v.). Metellus was a number
of distinguished Romans. +252.15—with Tellus, Tabs (q.q.v.). 
Methodius and Cyril—the two great saints of the Eastern church. 159.31;

Methuselah—lived 969 years, begot Lamech (q.v.). 378.15. 
Methyr—mame of Isis (q.v.) in Plutarch. 26.18; 132.34 (see Gorky).

Metternich-Wmnnebung, Prince—Austrian diplomat. 339.5. 
Mettresson, Master—see Glimgbow. 
Meyerbeer, Giacomo (1791—1863)— German composer. 360.7. 
*Mezienius, 483.32. 
*Mezosius, 483.32. 
Mezzofanti, Giuseppe Caspan (17741849)—Italian cardinal who spoke fluently
50 or 60 languages, was less perfectly acquainted with many more. 
Mlcah—Old Testament book. 153.32. 
Micawber, Wilkins—in David Copperfield (q.v.). 131.16. 
Mlccheruni—Micky Rooney's band (Ulysses, 284). 407.33. 
Micgranes, Malachus—Joyce's Rabelais (q.v.) list contains malchus (which
means a kind of Oriental sword), micgranes (which means "grenades"), verdun
(a small sword). See Baudelaine. See also Malachi, Mulligan. 4.4. 
*Michael, Father (Michael means "father who is like God"). 
She [Nora Barnacle, q.v.] has had many love-affairs, one when quite young
with a boy who died. [i.e., Michael Bodkin, q.v.; see also Furey]. She was
laid up at news of his death.... When she was sixteen a curate in Galway
took a liking to her: tea at the presbytery, little chats, familiarity. He
was a nice young man with black curly hairs on his head. One night at tea
he took her on his lap and said he liked her, she was a nice little girl.
Then he put his hand up under her dress which was shortish. She however,
I understand, broke away [cf. FW 115.13—35]. 
Joyce to Stanislaus Joyce, 
1904,Letters, II, 72 
I loathe Ireland and the Irish.. . . I see nothing on every side of me but
the image of the adulterous priest and his servants and of sly deceitful
women. . - sometimes when that horrible stony of your girlhood crosses my
mind the doubt assails me that even you are secretly against me.... I was
walking with you... . A priest passed us and I said to you "Do you not find
a kind of repulsion or disgust at the sight of one of those men?" You answered
a little shortly and dnily, "No, I don't." 
Joyce to Nora Barnacle, 1909, Letters, II, 255. 
I guess (no proof) that the "horrible story" of Nora's girlhood was the story
of the Gal way priest and his familiarities. In Buffalo Workbook #5 is a
note (I may not read it right): "Father Moran warned NB [Nora Barnacle] not
to fnig." I guess (no proof) that Father Moran was the Gal way priest who
becomes Father Michael of FW 203.32—204.1 who puts his hands in Anna
Livia's (q.v.) hair, kisses her "as he warned hen niven to, niven to, nevar."
I guess he is called Father Michael because the priest is crossed with Nora's
other beau, Michael Bodkin, who became Michael Funey in "The Dead," described
in Joyce's notes for Exiles as Nona's "buried life, her past" (see Ellmann,
163— 65). 
 In FW, Father Michael "seduces" Anna Livia (115.13—35) or was "seduced"
by her (203.17—204.5) when she was young and not distinct from Issy
(q.v.; see also Jung). It is a laying on of holy hands, a call to life, simultaneous
with negation of life—"Thou shalt not." 
 Father Michael is not distinct from Mick (q.v.) or from Finn MacCool (q.v.).
+6.13—with MacCool (q.v.); 11.23; 
+ 16.1—2 (michmndaddy)—with MacCool (q.v.); +72.13 (Miching Daddy)—with
MacCool (q.v.); 94.36 (see Victory); 
 + 111.15—with MacCool (q.v.); 
115.21,26,29; 116.7; 203.18(seeArklow); 
+243.14—with Hetman Michael, MacCool (q.q.v.); 279.n. 1, lines 32,
34; 280.13 (note Father Michael—Finn MacCool; also left margin); 281
left margin, n. 4; 365.1; 369.32,33,35; 382.12; 432.7,18; +447.12—with
Michael Manning (q.v.); 458.3; 459.2; 461.21; +520.1,3,4—with Phoenix,
Michael Clery, Father MacGregor (q.q.v.); + 533.29,30,32—with Engels
(q.v.; see also Angel); + 573.4,15,18,23—with Michael Cerularius(q.v.);
617.25(1 think that all over this page Joyce plays repeatedly on Finnegan-Finn