B.9, np. 
B.13, np. 
B.18, np. 
B.36, np. 
378.25; ?471.30 (see Borne); +488.7— with Ibm Sen (q.v.); +494.19—with

Dean, Snake (q.q.v.); 497.28 (see Lonely 
One); 523.34; + 535.19—with Peter 
Ibsen (q.v.). 
Ibsen, Peter—forefather of Henrik Ibsen (q.v.; see Scribbledehobble,
103). +535.19—with Henrik Ibsen, Sts Peter and Paul (q.q.v.). 
Icarus—son of Daedalus (q.v.), a role of 
Stephen's in Portrait of the Artist. See 
Perdix. ?+ 167.23-24—with Cassius 
(q.v.); ?+319.29—with Carr (q.v.). 
Ichabod ("inglorious")—so named (1 Samuel, 4) because "The glory has
departed from Israel." 116.32. 
Ida or Ida Ida—see Hahn-Hahn. "Ida" is also a short sketch composed
by Gertrude Stein in 1937. Ida is a girl of dual personality who has a twin,
Idlers, Academy of—Vico (q.v.) belonged to it. 13.39; 287.18; 546.11;
Idol—in Bacon's (q.v.) Novum Organum, Idols are the fallacies or errors
to which the human mind is peculiarly prone. HCE's (q.v.) daughter, Issy
(q.v.), is a most erroneous girl. 325.25; 395.2; 455.3; 527.24. 
*Iggri, 193.17. 
Ignatlus, St—see Loyola. 
Igor—early Russian king. Oleg's (q.v.) successor. Another Igor is hero
of Lay of Igor, oldest Russian epic. +353.19— with Ivar (q.v.). 
Igraine—mother of King Arthur (q.v.). 
*Ilma_Mr Thompson says, Russian "elm"; Mr Bates says, Finnish "air, weather."
Ilmarinen—sky god of the Ostiaks and 
Vogubs, hater hero of the Kalevala. 
+ 162.16 (Vogul Marina)—with Marina, 
Ahriman (q.q.v.); + 163.1 (mouthful to 
arinam)—with Marina, Ahrimam 
~ 191.13. 
Imogen—heroime of Cymbeline (q.v.). See also Posthumus, Fidebio. +6.26—with
Fidelio (q.v.); ?68.7; 251.17; 300.beft margin; 331.30; 337.16,20; 443.2;
?449.3—4; 547.35; 563.4; ?565.29. 
Inghen Ruadh or Red Maiden (see Betsy 
Ross)—among the Norse invaders of 
Ireland was "a woman warrior of whom 
terrible stories are told." +95.20—with 
Betsy Ross (q.v.). 
Indian boy—cause of contention between Oberon and Titamia (q.q.v.).
Indra—Hindu god of the clear sky, greatest of Vedic gods, lord of thunder
and the elements. 60.21; 223.7; 573.1. 
Inexagoras—see Anaxagoras. 155.32—33. 
*Infanta_Issy (q.v.). Reference may be to some particular Imfanta Isabella
(q.v.)—see also Gunning. In Ulysses (636,579) the king of Spain's daughter
is a song and, seemingly, a name for Ireland, which Bloom (q.v.) misunderstands
as a reference to Mrs O'Shea (q.v.).24.24; 97.35; 166.18,22,23 (maybe Wyndham
Lewis on Gertrude Stein, as a pretendchild); ?184.34; 211.22; ?538.30; 556.1;
?565.28; 566.23. 
*Inge, Payne—Dean Inge? 361.11; 370.3. 
*Inglesante, Penelope—Mr Wilder suggests, Penelope (q.v.), who sits
home in am inglemook. 212.10. 
Inglis, William—Mr Mink quotes Fitzpatrick (q.v.) on "riding the franchises
in 1488: ". . . southward till them come to William English is (his) hous..

Maybe also one of the English kings Williams or Shakespeare (q.q.v.). 543.18.

Ingoldsby, Thomas—name under which Barham (q.v.) wrote The Ingoldsby
Legends. 156.3. 
Ingram, John Kelhs (1823—1907)—Irish poet, author of "The Memory
of the Dead," which begins: "Who fears to speak of ' 98?/Who blushes at the
name?" 93.29 (Seam Kelly's amagrim). 
*Ingi.am, Rex—maybe the American actor who played "de Lawd" in Green
Pastures (d.1969). TLS, Sept. 28, 1968, reviews a book about horror movies
which mentions "Rex Ingram's version of Maugham's The Magician . . . is represented
by am alluring still." 568.35. 
*Inn or House—P. IN. Joyce derives "shanty" from Irish sean (old) +
tigh (house). The following motes (imperfectly read by me) are in Joyce's
unpublished workbooks at Buffalo: 
B.5, np. E temperance hotel B.8,n.p. D workhouse 
 U Old House 
 o lunatic asylum 
 0 chub 
  Theatre is 0 
 0 the Norwegian side of the 