Alldaybrandy—see Alday, Hihdebrand. 
*Allen, Hillary—probably not the 
American biographer but the Hill of 
Allen where the Fenians hung about (see 
Finn). ?532.10; 618.23. 
Alley Croker—air to which T. Moore's 
(q.v.) "Through Em's Isle" is sung. 
Ailgood, Sara (1883—1950)—Irish actress who gave a reading of
"Anna Livia Plurabelle" (q.v.; see Letters, III, 261). 
Allport, Floyd H—author of Social Psychology (Cambridge, 1924). I have
not read Ahlport, and don't know Joyce means him here. This entry is to remind
that, save for Vico (q.v.), the sociologist and FW has not been hooked to.
Ally Sloper—grotesque, disreputable 
figure in a hate-l9th-century comic paper. Also a brand of pickles and a
sauce. 178.6; 248.10; 288.n. 4; 291.26; 
*Almayer_maybe Conrad's Almayer's Folly (1895). 371.26 (with Maynooth). 
*Alopslus Niklas—Greek alopex, "fox" 
(q.v.). Nick (q.v.) is usually Shem (q.v.) but here must include Nicholas
Breakspear (q.v.); see also Adrian IV, Mookse. 155.31. 
Aloyse, Mere—French Mother Goose (q.v.). See Marie Louise, Ravel, ?Ahice.

Aloyslus—James Augustine Ahoysius 
Joyce (q.v.); see also A.A. 
Alp, Pha, Lap, Pal—as distinct words or syllables beginning words (or
within words or as acrostics in successive words), these are the initials
of Anna Livia Plurabelle (q.v.); see also One hundred and eleven (111). 
Aiph, Alpha, Aheph—see Anna Livia. The sacred river (see riverrun).
Mr Senn points out that FW opens with a quotation from Coleridge's "Kubla
Khan." Anna Livia, though sometimes Delta (q.v.), is often Alpha. 
Alphand, Jean (1817—91)—helped 
Haussmann (q.v.) remake Paris. 129.17; 205.35 (all paven and). 
Alphos—see Three Musketeers. 64.23. 
Alsop—brand of British ale. The spelling "Alhsap" may be an anagram
of Pahhas (see Athena). 264.3; 377.33—34. 
*Altmuehler....Altmuehl, German river. 
Altoid's—"Those curiously strong pep- 
permints"; an English confection. +210.9—with Delta (q.v.). 
*Altrjes, 191.14. 
Alwayswelly, olderman K. K—see W. W. 
Kelly, ?Wihly. 365.30. 
*Alzette_nyer in Luxemburg. 578.36. 
Amalthea—Zeus's (q.v.) foster-mother. 
*A'mara, Mrs, and Mrs O'Morum—love and death like Mildew Lisa (q.v.)?

*Amaiylllsflower, often a mistress in 
 pastoral poems. 180.10; 184.20; 
+268.left margin—with Anna Livia (q.v.); 609.12. 
Amazia—see Amazon. 
Amazon—South American river. As river Liffey, Anna Livia (q.v.) has
attendants, the Nile (q.v.) and the Amazon, who are also Shakespeare's queens,
Cleopatra and Hippolyta (q.q.v.). "Amazon" is usually derived from "without
breast" or from the Circassian word for "moon" (q.v.), maza. 104.1—with
Anna Livia (q.v.); 364.13; 494.35; 548.2; 627.28. 
Amber Witch—German novel by Wilhelm Meinhold (1843). I have read an
excerpt (trans. Lady Duff Gordon) and have the idea that the Amber Witch
is the heroine, Rea Schweidler. 546.35. 
Ambree, Mary—ballad heroine who fought in male disguise. 11.12; 127.35,

Ambrose, St (340—407)—Church father, bishop of Milan. 605.30—31.

Ambrose Lightship, off New York, and Lizard lighthouse in Cornwall are (or
were) the last and first lights seen in an Atlantic crossing. +324.4—see
Izod, Elizabeth, Betsy Ross. 
Ambrosius Aurehianus—semimythicah champion of the romanized Britons
who fought against Hengist (q.v.). 85.32. 
Amen or Ammon or Ammun, etc. ("the hidden one")—according to Budge
(q.v.), he began as chief god of Thebes, was later identified with Ra (q.v.),
later assumed all the attributes of the old gods of Egypt. 6.11; ?345.1—2;
Amenhotep or Akhenaton—Amenhotep IV fostered monotheism, worship of
the visible sun-disk, Atem (q.v.). 237.26—27 (Amanti. . . Notep). 
*Amenlus_may combine Arminius and Comenius (q.q.v.) 155.34.