Ratified treaty no. 215, Treaty of September 27, 1836, with the Sauk and Fox Indians. For a list of documents relating to this treaty see special list no. 6
September 27, 1836
Washington, D.C.: National Archives, National Archives and Records Service
Instructions, July 2, 1836, from Sec. of War to Gov. Henry Dodge, with copy of instructions of July 30, 1836, to Wm. Clark for extinguishing title to lands between the State of Mo. and the Missouri River. (OIA, LR, St. Louis, 1836, in folder marked "Platte Purchase") See item 3 under Treaty of Sept. 3, 1836, and items under Treaties of Sept. 17 and 28, 1836.
Ratified treaty no. 215, Treaty of September 27, 1836, with the Sauk and Fox Indians. For a list of documents relating to this treaty see special list no. 6 September 27, 1836