OAK.S 6& 4a. 
rn the 1anelujak. by Ar. MASON. ST pernssl. 
A.ut a tranger hem Heaven is my home; 
xsarth ia a dex-ertdrear, Heavenis my home. IDan- ger and sor-row stand Round
me ox ev - ery hand; Heaven is my fa - ther-land, Heaven is my home. 
T-- - --h                                               t.. -I,, .. -   .LE

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I What tho' he tem-pest rage, Heaven is my home; ) 
Short      is  my pil -grim-age, Heaven is my home. (Time's cold and win-try
blust Soon will be  o - ver - past; I  shall reach home at last, Heaven is
my home. 
Ir ll                  I                                                
I                                               V   I _______ 
&I There   at my Saviour's side, Heaven is my home; 
gI ll be glo-ri-fied, Heavenis myhome. f There are the good and blest, Those
I loved most and best, There,too I soon shall rest; Heaven is my home. 
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ut                                JERUSALEM, MY HAPPY HOME. 
0" U   olpressiaml~. Quam~tt or  Se-Chora8,           OHORUS TO BACH
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1   Je-ru-sa-lem, my happy homel How do   I sigh  forthee!t 
Whenwillmyex- ehaveanendl ThyjoyswhenshallI see          Je-ru-sa-lemI Je-
ru-sa-lem! Je - ru -sa-lemI my happy home! How dol gh for thee! 
L. Thy gardens and thy pleasant walks, My study long have been; 
Sueh dazzling views by human ight Have never yet been seen.  Je -ru-sa -
lem, &c. 
When shall these yesthy heaven-built walls And pearly gates behold ? 
* $ Thy bulwarks, wi salvation strong, And streets of shining gold I  Je-ru-sa-lem,
j No sun, no moon, in borrowed light, Revolve thine hours -way; 
4  The Lamb on Calvary's mountain slain Is thine e - ter - nal day. fJe -
ru sa-lem! Je - ru - sa-lem I Je -ru -salem I my happy home! How do I ugh
for thee 
jIf heaven be thus glorious, Lord, Why should I stay from thence I 
5. What folly this, that I should dread To die, and go from hence I  I Je
-ru - sa-lem, &e 
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