23~ 8_ _ _ 
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t __  r!  - -  --    -= - 0  0=40 .  -- "- ... - 
I.                                 , -----  I  I,,1 0 
aR e  .       .. f. .- Ternbl,-- 
Vital spark 01hael  lmQi.0qi hsmrtal frame, Trembling, hoping, lingering,
flying, 0 the paun, the bliss of dying'! Cease, fond nature, cease thy strife,
And let me languish into uf 
'-k l                                          ,;v "-  Y- -, '.    
                                "-- hopi 
-,                         fl - .-~~IF  I I " --, -- H -  _ I-     
    ,.   . 
HARK TO THE SOLEMN BELL.-Dirgo. Quartett or Chorus. 6s & 5s Peculiar.
             rom Dalcme,. 
(Sing small notes first time.) 
Hark to the solemn bell, Mourn-ful -ly peal-ing I 
What do    its wailings tell, On the ear steal-ing f j Seem they not thus
to say, Loved ones have passed away I Ash- es with ash - es lay, list to
ite peal - ing I 
rIs I                                    -I     1 -L-L-J--_----- 
When in their lone-ly bed, Loved ones are ly - ing; 
/   When joy-ful wings are spread, To hea-ven fly - ing; Would we to sin
and pain, Call back their souls again, Weave round their hearts the chain
Severed in dy - ing I 
I  '   I   I                         I     i           I 
With Gentleness.                                              MILAN.    
      7s &    6s. 
Sing the first line as a Duet, by Soprano and Tenor; the second line as a
Trio; and the rest as written.  FINE.                                   
          D. C 
The mellow eve is gliding Serenely down the  et 
So, ever care sub-siding, My soul would sink t rs,  My soul would sink  to
 rest. The woodland  hum    is rmng-ing, The day-light's gen - te  close

May angels, round me singing, Thus hymn my last repose, Thu s hynmy last
re Poe. 
V77v VA  [I- 
~Go V-~ 
The evening star has lighted tier crystal lamp on ign; 
2   So, when in  teath benighted, May hope illume the sky,   May hope il
lume the  sky.       In golden splendor dawning,  The morrow's light shall
1 0. 0, on the last bright morning, May I in glo-ry wake,  May I  in  glo
- ry  wake. 
- --    -              -                                    *           -